Last week we released an update for version 1.6.7 of the EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class. Today we’ve released version 1.6.8 of the class to resolve a bug we accidentally introduced in 1.6.7.
1.6.8 includes a few changes:
- Small adjustments for the upcoming beta release feature in Software Licensing
- Fixes update notifications not showing up when plugins do not have banner images set in the ReadMe.txt file
- Removes deprecated testing code
What you need to do
If you have used the EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class in any of your own plugins, please incorporate the 1.6.8 version into your plugin and release an update to all customers to help prevent this problem from affecting any sites using your plugins.
As long as you have not made changes to the EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class itself, updating to the new version is as simple as replacing the class file.
You can download the new version of the class from your account page. Locate your purchase record for Software Licensing and then download the “edd-sample-plugin” file. The latest version of the class is included within that sample plugin. You can also obtain the latest version from this GitHub repository.
I pushed out a version of my plugin with versions 1.6.7 and now users can’t update (due to the banner image issue). How do you suggest I force an update on their admin? I don’t want them to have to manually update if possible. Thanks!
Unfortunately in this case, the update will have to be installed manually.
Doing some testing and have encountered an error with the new version.
Fatal Error: Cannot use object of type stdClass as array in /home/connecte/public_html/testing/merv/wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php on line 500
The error occurs when pressing the
There is a new version of EPL – Advanced Mapping available. ***View version 2.2 details*** or update now.
Pressing the View Details the first time correctly shows the plugin details update pop over box, then when you close and press the View version the error appears.
There are two instances of stdClass in the SL File. I’ve made no changes to the updater class file to produce this error.
PHP Tested with 5.5 Local and remote server
WP 4.7
We’ve tracked down the problem that causes this and have resolved it. We’ll include the fix in the upcoming version 3.5.