Easy Digital Downloads 3.0-beta3 now available

Our beta3 release is fairly small compared to the other two, but it contains some pretty important bug fixes, which is why we wanted to make it available to anyone testing 3.0.

Important Note: This beta release is NOT production ready. It should only be tested on development sites. Do not install it on your live site.

Migration fixes

We discovered that migrated order totals could be incorrect if the order had a fee applied that affected the entire order (as opposed to being linked to an individual item). This has now been resolved.

While fixing the fee issue, we also found a few problems when migrating data from very old versions of Easy Digital Downloads — we’re talking back to 2013. Back then, individual payments didn’t even store things like the subtotal or exact discount amount, and that led to unexpected results when the data was migrated to the 3.0 format.

Orders with discounts from that period still may not be perfect, but we’re confident we’ve done the best we can given the limited data from that era. It won’t be any worse than EDD 2.10, it’s just that EDD 3.0 exposes the problems that exist in 2.10 and are simply hidden. For example: if a discount amount wasn’t saved with an old EDD order, EDD 3.0 will show the discount amount as $0.00. That’s not technically correct; there was a discount amount, but because EDD never stored it we don’t know what it is.

Other migration fixes include:

  • Undefined index errors when migrating some order addresses.
  • When migrating tax rates via the CLI we now show the before and after count.
  • Some very old PayPal orders didn’t have their transaction IDs migrated. This is because old orders didn’t store transaction IDs the way we do now, and they only existed in order notes. These are now migrated over.
  • Some currency codes were saved (and thus also migrated) in lowercase, which caused unexpected results in our UIs. We now ensure all currency codes are uppercase when migrated.

The sales log has been removed

The sales log has historically existed because it was too difficult for us to query on payments directly, due to storing data in post meta. EDD 3.0 has made the sales log no longer necessary, as we can now very easily query order data. However, the UI still existed.

We made the decision to remove it when we found a bug: refund records were being included in the sales log incorrectly. Fixing that issue actually proved to be more complicated than expected, to the point where it would take less time to just remove the sales log and instead add the one missing feature to the main orders page: the ability to filter by download (product).

Product filter on the admin orders page

So there’s a shiny new feature for you!

Other bug fixes

  • EDD_Payments_Stats methods returning unexpected results.
  • edd_store_discount() had the default value for its second parameter changed from null to 0, which broke backwards compatibility. This has now been reverted.
  • The edd_post_insert_discount hook wasn’t firing after adding a discount code from the admin UI. This caused at least one add-on to stop working with EDD 3.0.
  • The Discount API endpoint wasn’t 3.0-ready.
  • Negative fees were showing as positive on the admin orders UI.
  • Adding a manual order now supports inclusive taxes.
  • Several methods in the EDD_Discount class were missing compared to 2.x. (Such as the get_name() method.)
  • The tool for re-counting download stats was incorrectly including refunds. It now counts gross earnings, and the label has been updated to better clarify that.
  • Reports: Manually adding an invalid date to the custom range field could cause a fatal error.
  • A few discount note functions that were introduced in 3.0 and ultimately never used (due to later refactoring) have been removed. Those functions are: edd_ajax_add_discount_note(), edd_delete_discount_note(), and edd_ajax_delete_discount_note(). These were all AJAX callback functions and were never designed for public use.
  • Order item meta arrays were incorrectly being double serialized.

Installing and testing 3.0-beta3

The 3.0-beta3 release can be downloaded from GitHub and installed as normal. If you encounter any bugs, please search through our existing issues. If there’s not already an open issue, you may create a new one (after reading our Contributor Guidelines).

21 responses... add one

Excited to see when this is live! Do you expect the production version to be released this year?

We hope to have some more information on time frames in the next few weeks. 🙂

I don’t want to be stressful, but I really hope that EDD 3.0 will be released this year.
We’ve been waiting so long…


Could you please specify any ETA? I understand you do not have an exact one, but at least before end of summer, this quarter? by end of the year?

We have some projects pending for this update waiting.

Thanks a lot!

We’re planning to put 3.0 on one of our live sites in August. Once we’ve done that and have assessed how that went, we’ll start coming up with some ETAs. (How that process goes will impact any ETAs so I’d rather not provide one until then.)

Yes, we have! It’s been running on Sugar Calendar for over a week now and doing very well! 🙂 That’s the only site we’ve put it on so far, but now that it’s on SC without issues, we’ll be coming up with a plan to deploy it to the rest of our sites.

Once we have more information on that time frame we’ll probably come out with another blog post about all this.

I know that Rome wasn’t built in a day!
But for a Premium (paid) plugin I was expecting to have a normal (not sloooooow) new versions development.
If I’m not wrong first announcement of edd3 was in 2018….more than 3 years ago.
Please…go on and DO it!

EDD 3.0 is definitely not a normal “new version”; it’s a complete revamp of the database structure, which is not something we plan on doing with any kind of regularity. That being said, we do know that it has taken a very long time and we apologize for that. We are working very hard to get it shipped out. However, we will not be rushing the release, as we want to ensure that everyone’s sites migrate correctly.

We are getting very close though. We’ve deployed 3.0 to one of our own live sites for testing, and will be proceeding with deploying to the rest of our sites one at a time. Once we’ve completed this internal test we’ll be ready to officially release 3.0.

Hi Ashley, really looking forward to 3.0 being production ready. I’ve been using EDD since its very early days but there hasn’t been much mention of plugin compatibility such as EDD FES, S3 etc?

These plugins are essential to my live site and do contain some customisations I have made specifically for my use case. When will we know more about the official EDD extensions as I will more certainly have to test all components before upgrading on my live site.

Very well done for getting to this point though. I know you guys have been working on this for a long time so I’m expecting great things.

Hi Sarah!

A huge amount of our time has also been spent updating extensions to be 3.0 compatible. There are over 65 extensions that we’ve personally tested and released updates for if necessary. Included in the “confirmed compatible” list are:

All Access
Auto Register
Fraud Monitor
Git Download Updater
PDF Invoices
Software Licensing
Advanced Reports
Advanced Sequential Order Numbers
Amazon S3
Discounts Pro
Gateway Fees
Simple Shipping

… and more. In short, the two you mentioned have both already been tested and updated accordingly.

Hello there,

Still any update on the upcoming release? Is it going to be release before end of year? I am waiting for this update in order to do some customizations.

Thanks a lot!

We will have an updated schedule very soon. We’ll post here as soon as it’s ready. Stay tuned!

Hello there!

Last time we heart about the update to 3.0 I see was in September! Is any news on this?


Hi Pablo!

Things have been busy for us over BFCM and the holidays. We’ll be back with another update soon! 🙂

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