EDD Fraud Monitor v1.1 Beta Released

We’ve been hard at work getting Fraud Monitor v1.1 ready for customers, and now we’re ready to announce that the first beta is ready for testing. While the list is not long, the features added in version 1.1 are extensive and will empower store owners with some great new settings.

Here are a few highlights that are in this release:


Store owners can now ‘Geofence’ their purchases by country or distance. This feature uses the Google GeoCode API to determine if the IP address location and the billing information differ enough based on the defined rules, to flag the payment for review.

Manual Fraud Moderation

With version 1.1, you’ll be able to flag a payment for review, or mark it as fraud from the View Order Details screen.

Fraud Indicators

Seeing which payments and customers have been flagged by the system is much easier now. We’ve added status indicators for ‘Review’, ‘Fraud’, and ‘Approved’ on payments, and the customer records will now show a ‘Fraud’ or ‘Review’ when they have payments that have been tagged by the Fraud Monitor rules.

The payment list table will show either Fraud, Approved, or Review. If no fraud was detected, this column is left blank.
The customer list also helps indicate which customers have had payments that either need to be reviewed or have been flagged as fraud.

Country checks on download

Fraud Monitor has already been checking if the country the files are downloaded from are from a blacklisted country. With version 1.1, we’ve included the ability to enable an option to check when a file download is requested within 24 hours of the payment completion, Fraud Monitor will verify that the download request was from the same country as the IP address the payment was made from.

If the download country and payment country differ, Fraud Monitor will prevent the download, mark the payment for review, and send the relevant emails.

This timeframe can be modified via a WordPress filter (edd_fm_download_country_check_limit). It’s important to note that this feature is limited to stores using the ipinfo.io service (set from within the Fraud Monitor Country settings).

Other New Features

  • The payment email is now added and removed from the Easy Digital Downloads core Banned Email list
  • Block downloads and flag the payment for review when, within 24 hours, the download is requested from a different country than it was purchased.
  • Added new payment status of ‘Pending Review’ for payments that need review
  • Added the ability to ignore ‘free’ purchases when determining if a customer has previous purchases
  • When payments are flagged for review, the email address used is now added to the Easy Digital Downloads core email blacklist. It is removed if a payment is approved as valid.

Bugs Fixed

  • Fixed a duplicate call to the query that gets pending counts
  • Checks of the IP when downloading files were not always using the current IP, but the payment IP

Additional Changes

  • New meta key of _edd_confirmed_as_fraud added to payments that have been Confirmed as Fraud.

Beta Testing

The first beta of Fraud Monitor version 1.1 is available to all valid license holders now, allowing store owners to try it out on their staging environments before going live with it. We’ve been using it on our site prior to releasing this beta and are confident with this version, but we encourage testing first to be sure. To learn how to opt-in to beta versions of our extensions, you can use this guide.

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