Easy Digital Downloads 3.0 Update – January 28, 2019

Easy Digital Downloads 3.0 is getting closer and closer to the beta, and to keep with our commitment, here is another update to help keep developers up to speed with progress and what’s been changed since our last update.

PHP compatibility

Nothing has been changed here, but we wanted to make it a point that in the last couple weeks, we have shored up our unit tests and have fixed everything causing compatibility issues with PHP versions 5.5 and lower. The primary issue we fixed was dealing with the DateTimeZone class in PHP, which underwent some changes in PHP 5.6. While we developed it using PHP 7.2, we were not accounting for versions of PHP lower than 5.6, but have since corrected these. You can read more about it on the GitHub issue.

Currently our goal is still to maintain support for PHP versions 5.3+.

WordPress version compatibility changes

Currently, Easy Digital Downloads version 2.9.x is compatible with WordPress versions all the way back to 4.4. With the release of Easy Digital Downloads 3.0, the required version of WordPress will be 4.7 or greater. Based off our data this will affect a small number of stores, but with WordPress 4.7 being our minimum version, this means we’re supporting nearly 3 years of backwards compatibility with WordPress core.

Status change for ‘completed’ orders

The change from publish to complete for an order that has reached its end state for fulfillment has been merged into release/3.0 and is ready for use. If you’re a developer who has done customization or integration with the order status, this is an area you’ll want to focus on and make sure you’re accounting for both ‘publish’ and ‘complete’ for a completed purchase.

View this issue on GitHub

Other improvements and bug fixes

  • A fatal error was being triggered when manually creating a new customer while manually creating a new order. (#6791)
  • Fixed an issue where the profile editor shortcode was not updating the customer address. (#7124)
  • Improved the reports endpoints registry to be more flexible as well as immutable. (#7120)
  • Fixed an issue causing refund orders not showing on the refunds tab. (#7088)

Upcoming changes (not yet merged)

There are a number of changes that we are currently in the process of testing and merging including the following (more details will be supplied once the issues are finalized and merged)

  • Improving extensibility of reporting APIs.
  • UI/UX improvements to the Bundle product selectors.
  • Fixing up order status counts in the Order List table.
  • View/Edit Order details improvements.
  • Order list table default ordering is being changed to date_created instead of ID.

Major updates yet to tackle

  • Improve the upgrade routines for stability – A host of improvements are in the works to make the upgrade routines more stable and accurate as well as fault tolerant.
  • Refund process – We are in the process of creating a new workflow for generating a refund, which will include some UI changes to make refunds as full-featured as possible.

So those are the major changes since our last update. Keep looking for these posts until we hit the release date in order to make sure your upgrade to Easy Digital Downloads 3.0 is as smooth as possible.

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