Version 2.5 Release Candidate

Today we’re happy to announce the first release candidate for version 2.5.

There have been 78 commits from 7 contributors since beta 2. Items addressed include:

  • Re-ordering of products in a bundle fail
  • Search field on bundles incorrectly returns other bundle products
  • Checkboxes in settings tab do not save in some instances
  • Notice now displayed if legacy recount tool plugin is activated
  • Incorrect item amount used when removing a download from a payment  record
  • Correctly display no results message when invalid customer ID is given on the download-logs API endpoint
  • Class properties of EDD_Amazon are now public
  • Force has_items() to true on EDD list tables so that pseudo-bulk actions are always displayed
  • DB queries are faster in recount stats tool
  • Improved FAQs for readme.txt
  • Allow extension updates to show up even without a license key
  • Prevent PHP warning if cart_details is not an array
  • Fixed incorrect query logic in Recount All Downloads tool

Testing the release candidate

To ensure that the update to version 2.5 goes smoothly, we need as many people as possible to help test the release candidate. Every bug that we catch between now and the final release is one less problem for live sites. The final release is scheduled for Thursday, January 7th. That’s just two days from now.

Please do not test this beta on a live site. Use a staging or development site.

The latest version of the beta may be downloaded from GitHub.

Version 2.5 is scheduled for release on Thursday, January 7th, 2016.

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