- Fix: Stripe customer ID for one-time purchases set during subscription purchase
- Fix: Upgrading license key between products does not create a subscription
- Fix: Customers cannot restrict content in Content Restriction extension if restricted to multiple subscriptions
- Fix: Fatal error during upgrade routine if customer record is deleted in Stripe
- Fix: Replace soon-to-be deprecated edd_get_success_page_url() with edd_get_success_page_uri()
- Fix: Some signups erroneously marked as Failed in PayPal Express
- Fix: Subscriptions with failing payment methods cannot have their payment method updated
- Fix: Incorrect HTTP version in PayPal Pro API request
- Fix: Subscriptions not cancelled in PayPal Standard when clicking Cancel Subscription
- Fix: Subscription value not properly reflecting refunded payments
- Tweak: Gateways now instantiated with global variable so they can be easily interacted with
- Tweak: Recurring customer IDs now displayed on customer details page