- Improvement: Download popularity report now includes links to relevant downloads for quick access.
- Improvement: Customer passes are now deleted if the associated payment is deleted.
- Fix: Ensure only the owner of the pass can view pass details on the front-end.
- Fix: Under certain circumstances, “Buy All Access” button wasn’t appearing correctly for products with variable prices.
- Fix: Certain upgrade circumstances could incorrectly result in a renewal button being shown on a download, despite the person owning a lifetime All Access Pass for that product.
- Fix: Unnecessarily duplicating a hook in the admin screen, which could result in some EDD tools appearing twice in Downloads > Tools.
- Fix: PHP warning when viewing a pass in the admin screen that is set to all categories.
- Fix: SourceMap URLs return 404.
- Fix: PHP deprecation notice for implode.
- Fix: Undefined variable “all_access_duration_unit”.
- Fix: PHP warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach().
- Tweak: Change plugin author to Sandhills Development, LLC.
- Dev: EDD 3.0 compatibility.
- Dev: Fix invalid HTML that was preventing a class name from not being set correctly.