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Version 1.2.5

  • New: When the license for an All Access product is disabled, the pass is disabled.
  • Improvement: Enabling All Access on a product is now handled by the product type.
  • Improvement: Shortcodes for variable products now cover all price IDs by default, unless specifically set.
  • Fix: It was possible for a pass with the total price variations set to 0 to still prevent users from accessing specific variations.
  • Fix: The download limit was not always set for a pass.
  • Fix: The pass expiration date for subscriptions with a free trial did not correctly sync with the subscription when the initial trial was complete.
  • Fix – Commissions: All Access did not correctly calculate how a commission should be split when that setting was selected for a product.
  • Dev: Licensing has been updated to use EDD’s extension registry.
  • Dev: The extension no longer uses get_page_by_title, which was deprecated in WordPress 6.2.
  • Dev: The minimum versions have been updated to PHP 7.1, WordPress 5.4, and EDD 3.0.