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Version 2.11.4

  • Refactor: Recurring email settings have been moved to the “Emails” tab in their own section.
  • Refactor: Recurring settings have been moved to the “Payments” tab if you’re on EDD 2.11.3 or higher.
  • Improvement: Allow all email template tags (including ones from EDD core and other extensions) to be used in recurring payment emails.
  • Improvement: When viewing a payment that has an associated subscription, the status of that subscription is now shown next to the ID.
  • Improvement: Better error message logging when the PayPal Commerce PAYMENT.SALE.COMPLETED webhook fails.
  • Fix: Potential undefined index error when calling edd_get_settings_tabs().
  • Fix: The cron job that auto updates subscription statuses to “expired” now also checks for “trialling” subscriptions in addition to “active” ones.
  • Fix: PHP notice when downloading a file under certain circumstances.
  • Fix: PHP warnings when viewing a subscription whose parent payment has been deleted.
  • Dev: Refactor how licensing gets instantiated.