- Fix: Number of products wrong on the Vendor Edit screen
- Fix: Headers already sent error when clicking on “Approve” for a pending vendor
- Fix: Application status emails not sent
- Fix: The Add File button shouldn’t show when files are limited to one
- Fix: Vendor personal details not saved on registration
- Fix: is_pending() method doesn’t properly detect vendors that have multiple roles
- Fix: Product sorting links in Vendor Dashboard don’t work
- Fix: Number of products in Vendors list incorrect
- Fix: Editing a pending product publishes it
- Fix: Allow file URLs that start with “file:” to pass validation
- Fix: Undefined index for placeholder attribute on vendor profile form
- Fix: Tags not properly stripped from post excerpt
- Fix: Vendor contact form sometimes pre-populated site admin details
- Fix: Vendor permalinks don’t respect custom slugs for pretty permalinks
- Tweak: Added a CSS classname option to the Section Break and Accept Terms field types
- Tweak: Improved the loading indicator when adding a new field to a form editor