- New: Vendor avatar fields can now be changed from backend
- New: “fes_submission_form_header” filter
- Tweak: Terms and conditions field now includes an option for setting the checkbox label independently of the field label
- Tweak: Terms and conditions field now no longer outputs empty label div
- Tweak: Admin notice shown if no page is selected for Vendor Dashboard is now linked to the proper settings screen
- Tweak: Improved description for frontend meta display options
- Fix: Non-FES metaboxes will no longer be shown on edit form screens
- Fix: Uninitialized string offer warnings with repeat fields
- Fix: Repeat fields save incorrect in admin area in some cases
- Fix: Vendor name not shown in page title of vendor shop pages
- Fix: JavaScript and CSS files failing to load in the admin area when site is translated into certain languages
- Fix: frontend.css file loading incorrectly on EDD purchase history page
- Fix: Default WordPress Avatar settings showing current user’s avatar
- Fix: HTML not escaped properly in checkbox labels
- Fix: HTML not properly stripped / escaped in field labels
- Fix: Downloads with Private status shown as having Trash status
- Fix: “vendor” hard-coded on frontend instead of using label settings
- Fix: Email notifications sent to admin when publishing products from the backend
- Fix: Script IDs reversed on CSS and js files