- New: File Upload field now includes support for limiting uploads to specific file types
- Tweak: User ID shown on vendor details page now linked to user edit screen
- Tweak: Log in form now supports logging in with email
- Tweak: Admin tool bar no longer shown to pending or suspended vendor accounts
- Tweak: Use meta caps instead of outdated user roles for vendors
- Tweak: fes_get_attachment_id() function now uses attachment_url_to_postid() function
- Tweak: Improved function that retrieves vendor product counts
- Fix: Incorrect edd-required indicator class on input fields
- Fix: “Use FES’s CSS” option not enabled by default on new installs
- Fix: Session variables used to detect edit and create screens can get mixed up
- Fix: Default value not shown in text fields
- Fix: reCaptcha field does not work on vendor contact form
- Fix: Repeat fields save values as “Array” if fields are left empty
- Fix: Import / export of forms does not work