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Version 2.7.0

  • New: FES emails have an entirely new editor experience–look under Downloads > Settings > Emails > FES.
  • Improvement: The FES form builder UI has been simplified and modernized.
  • Improvement: The FES form builder fields are more accessible.
  • Improvement: The FES admin menu has been merged under the Easy Digital Downloads menu.
  • Improvement: The FES multiple pricing field now uses the same default variable pricing IDs as EDD core.
  • Improvement: Button styles on the vendor dashboard have been made more consistent.
  • Improvement: The description for the meta key field in the form builder has been improved.
  • Improvement: Vendors who have WordPress roles which should grant them access to the Dashboard can now do so.
  • Improvement: The username field has been removed from the vendor profile in the admin, since it cannot be changed.
  • Change: The FES vendor dashboard icons now use an icon font (Dashicons).
  • Change: FES tools are now under Downloads > Tools.
  • Change: The vendor current year sales/earnings report has been updated to use more efficient database queries and a more modern graphing tool.
  • Fix: The section break field no longer outputs empty HTML elements.
  • Fix: Fields marked as required now use HTML5 markup.
  • Fix: When viewing vendor reports, an undefined variable was referenced.
  • Fix: The vendor products in the admin are now paginated, instead of all showing.
  • Fix: Vendor commission pagination in the admin now works correctly.
  • Fix: Updating a vendor without automatic approval enabled threw a PHP notice.
  • Dev: The fes_get_sales_by_date and fes_get_earnings_by_date functions have been updated for EDD 3.0 compatibility.
  • Dev: Helper functions for getting the current user ID and checking whether a field is readonly have been created.
  • Dev: The FES integrations property is now declared explicitly.
  • Dev: Update how licensing is instantiated.
  • Dev: Refactor how the plugin is loaded and checks for requirements.