- New: Added refund statistics to Subscription Renewals report
- New: Added ability to record notes on subscription records
- New: Expiration date and status changes now recorded automatically as subscription notes
- New: Cancellation option now available on free and test subscriptions
- New: Added support for In-Context payments with PayPal Express
- New: Subscriptions can now be searched by customer email and product name
- Tweak: Free trials automatically disabled when renewing or upgrading a license
- Tweak: Improved display of subscription ID on the View Order Details screen of renewal payments
- Tweak: Renew link now removed on license keys when association subscription is failing
- Tweak: Expiration date on license keys automatically reset when refunding a renewal payment
- Fix: Incorrect amount sent to Stripe with zero-decimal currencies
- Fix: Duplicate subscription records created when a signup payment is recovered
- Fix: get_child_payments() method can incorrectly retrieve renewal payments from other subscriptions
- Fix: Searching subscription records by product_id, customer_id, or any other “id” fails
- Fix: Missing filter for arguments sent to PayPal Express
- Fix: Creation Date incorrectly set to required when manually creating subscriptions
- Fix: Refund webhooks in Stripe incorrectly mark the original payment as refunded instead of the renewal