- Improvement: The cart performance has been improved by disabling tax rate lookups when a customer address is supplied, but taxes are disabled.
- Improvement: Reports now factor in order item adjustments like negative fees.
- Improvement: The Downloads list table now loads faster on sites with a large number of download categories.
- Improvement: The Sales REST API Endpoint was updated to respect the new order statuses in EDD 3.0.
- Improvement: Improve semantic markup by not allowing two of the same ID attribute for redirect to checkout buttons.
- Improvement: Discount code lookup performance has been improved when looking up a discount by the discount code.
- Fix: Looking up payments with a Download ID that was a string or integer would return incorrect or no orders.
- Fix: Reduced the number of HTTP calls that the notifications API can make per day.
- Fix: Avoid the “Request-URI Too Long” error when performing multiple actions in a row on list tables.
- Fix: Negative fee amounts are now properly considered when determining an item’s final price in the cart.
- Fix: PayPal: Arabic characters in download names could cause an unexpected error during checkout.
- Fix: PayPal: The backup IPN is not loaded if the PayPal integration is not connected.
- Fix: PayPal: The payment_date field was assumed to be present when processing the backup IPN.
- Fix: The edd_get_payment_amount function could improperly return an empty string instead of a float value.
- Fix: Add to cart buttons were not using the token values to improve caching compatibility.
- Fix: When many items were purchased at once, some order item download links were not working due to an improper status.
- Fix: Hardened the search query for the AJAX endpoint for searching for downloads by title.