- New (Pro): Users can now install and activate extensions from the WordPress admin.
- New (Pro): Geolocation has been added to checkout.
- New (Pro): Downloads can be duplicated without an extension.
- New – Blocks (Pro): Users can add a search form to the new User Downloads block.
- New: New installations will be directed to an onboarding wizard to help set up key features and get new stores up and running more quickly.
- New: Users with an active pass can manage extensions with one license key and easily upgrade to Easy Digital Downloads (Pro).
- New – Stripe: Our Stripe integration now uses the Universal Payment Elements and Link support. Legacy users are encouraged to opt in.
- New – Blocks: A new EDD User Downloads block has been registered to show users the files they can download.
- Improvement: Trashed orders can now be deleted in bulk.
- Improvement: EDD’s metaboxes have been moved up in priority when editing a download.
- Improvement: Reports styling has been updated to account for different graph types.
- Improvement: The Product Sales export tool has been added back to the Reports > Export screen.
- Improvement: EDD telemetry tracking has been completely rewritten to anonymize data collection.
- Improvement: The extensions licensing screen has been updated to improve messaging and the license management experience.
- Improvement: Querying for a customer by email address has been improved to include all email addresses.
- Improvement: The PayPal Commerce connection error messaging has been updated to give users more information to help troubleshoot before contacting support.
- Improvement: Improved performance when using order related functions which have been updated to accept the order object directly.
- Improvement: EDD admin screens now show only EDD notices.
- Improvement – Blocks: New installs will automatically use the checkout block instead of the legacy shortcode.
- Improvement – Blocks: The Login Page and Login Redirect Page settings have been reordered.
- Improvement – Blocks: When adding the EDD Buy Button to a download, the current download is set as the default.
- Improvement – Blocks: Additional security has been added to the checkout, login, and register blocks.
- Fix: Report charts could group orders by date incorrectly when dates spanned a change in Daylight Savings.
- Fix: In some cases, the customer database table was not getting the updates needed.
- Fix: An additional security check has been added to the system info file download form.
- Fix: The ajax spinner could be duplicated on the checkout screen for stores which collect taxes.
- Fix: Stores with quantities enabled could experience unexpected behavior on checkout.
- Fix – Stripe: Support links have been updated.
- Fix – Blocks: Some themes/plugins caused the checkout forms script to not be enqueued.
- Dev: The new minimum WordPress version is 5.4.
- Dev: The new minimum PHP version is 7.1.
- Dev: The `edd_sanitize_amount` function has been updated for PHP8 compatibility.
- Dev: Notifications are now registered as an EDD component.
- Dev: Notifications can now be registered locally.
- Dev: Additional debugging has been added if a legacy payment cannot be migrated due to invalid payment metadata.
- Dev: The discounts HTML is now always filterable, even if there are no discounts applied.
- Dev: Code for the legacy WordPress media loader has been removed.