- NEW! Stripe: When connecting EDD to Stripe, the necessary webhooks are registered.
- Cart: Enhanced cookie handling when emptying and re-adding items to cart.
- Checkout: Resolved undefined variable issue when using block registration form.
- Downloads: Improved response header handling to prevent invalid content-length headers.
- Downloads: Resolved inconsistency in author availability for new vs existing downloads.
- Emails: Improved email tag loading for more efficient processing.
- Emails: Removed image insertion capability from password reset email editor.
- Emails: Corrected filter name in new user email for proper functionality.
- Emails: Fixed a fatal error in password reset due to missing parameters.
- Emails: Fixed empty {password_link} email tag for first-time users.
- File System: Consolidate filesystem interactions by normalizing file paths.
- Orders: Improve order total calculations for orders with multiple adjustments.
- Orders: Fixed an issue with resumed orders and date_created values.
- Orders: Deleting an order now deletes the related transactions entry.
- Orders: Implemented safeguard to prevent negative order totals.
- Reports: Fixed PHP notices occurring in certain time zones.
- Sessions: Added new filters for more flexible cookie management.
- Sessions: Added built-in support for Pantheon cookie exclusions.
- Sessions: Added built-in support for WP Engine cookie exclusions.
- Stripe: Improve legacy card elements session compatibility.
- Users: Added a tool to help fix corrupted capabilities that prevent access to EDD settings screens.