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Version 3.3.5

  • NEW! Added Support for more Stripe Payment Methods, including more wallets, mobile payment methods, and some bank redirects.
  • Stripe: Improved accessibility of the checkout form.
  • Stripe: Improved compatibility with Stripe for customized checkouts missing form attributes.
  • Stripe: Properly handle error messages when trying to create webhooks without HTTPS.
  • Stripe: Updated the Stripe PHP library.
  • PayPal: Fixed an issue preventing PayPal from fully connecting in test mode.
  • PayPal: Improved the messaging around the PayPal settings screen.
  • PayPal: Fixed an issue with the date_created on some PayPal Commerce orders.
  • WP-REST: Improved integration with the WP-REST API media endpoint.
  • Receipt: Improved hash validation when viewing a receipt as a guest.
  • Emails: Fixed a possible fatal error with the WP Mail SMTP plugin.
  • Emails: The Banned Email list filter is now accessible even when the list is empty.
  • Checkout: Improved handling of guest customers.
  • Checkout: Prevent an edge case where a warning could be thrown during checkout.
  • HTTP: Introduced a standard HTTP Request utility to make consistent HTTP requests.
  • Discounts: Prevent a JavaScript error when editing a discount.
  • Administration: Vertical navigation elements now support the Back/Forward browser navigation.