- New: Redesigned license admin areas, including a new details screen for individual license keys
- New: New option to prorate license upgrades with time-based discount calculations
- New: Per-item renewal discount settings
- New: Support for beta version releases
- New: EDD_SL_License class for developers
- New: License keys are now included in the /sales/ endpoint of the EDD REST API
- New: License upgrades can now be added to cart via a direct URL
- New: Plugin banner images can now be added through the ReadMe.txt file
- New: Option to enforce email matching on license renewals has been added
- New: More action hooks have been added to the license renewal process
- New: More filters have been added to get_licenses_of_purchase() and get_licenses_by_purchase()
- New: Inline upgrade links can now be shown on purchase buttons
- New: MD5 checksums are now included in all license REST API responses
- New: A new {expiration_time} template tag has been added to license renewal notice emails
- New: Option to disable discount codes on license renewals
- New: License keys list table can now be filtered by download product ID by entering download:# in the search field
- Tweak: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class updated to 1.6.9
- Tweak: EDD_Theme_Updater class updated to 1.0.2
- Tweak: License keys for bundles are now grouped in the
shortcode display - Tweak: License keys and associated meta data are now deleted when a complete store reset is done
- Tweak: The license keys metabox in View Order Details has been improved
- Tweak: Improved file organization and naming
- Fix: Action links on license keys list table should return user to previous screen
- Fix: Extra paragraphs added to license renewal notice emails
- Fix: Expiration dates are shown in GMT instead of local time
- Fix: Incorrect renewal flags and discounts left in cart when removing renewal from cart
- Fix: Invalid download message returned when using “item_name” instead of “item_id” in licensing REST API
- Fix: Incorrect license keys generated when re-generating keys for a purchase
- Fix: Updating customer email does not update the email address on license keys
- Fix: Error message shown when loading “View Update Details” modal window multiple times
- Fix: Upgrade paths shown for expired and disabled license keys
- Fix: Incorrect upgrade path set as the default when products contain variable prices
- Fix: Extend license link missing from View Licenses page in frontend Purchase History
- Fix: Duplicate license keys created when regenerating license keys on a purchase
- Fix: Site URLs can still be managed by customer when license is disabled
- Fix: Setting a license key to lifetime does not update the status of the license
- Fix: License keys improperly set to disabled when a refund is processed for a renewal
- Fix: Extra dash shown on checkout when renewing a license key without variable prices
- Fix: Deleting a renewal payment also deletes the associated license key