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Version 2.1

  • Introduced review reports
  • Introduced an email template tag that display links to review downloads
  • New shortcode to display average rating for a product
  • Added support for guest reviews
  • Introduced a new notification email which is sent to site admins when a new review is posted
  • New feature added to allow the posting of a review to be delayed by a certain amount of days after purchasing
  • Allow site owners to request a review from customers after making a purchase
  • GeneratePress

    Focused on speed, stability, and accessibility, our lightweight WordPress theme and suite of tools lets you build beautiful high-performance websites that work. GeneratePress uses Easy Digital Downloads to power it’s

    Digital Downloads Pro

    Digital Downloads Pro is a Genesis child theme by brandiD, specifically built for starting your digital eCommerce site, and is integrated seamlessly with Easy Digital Downloads. Powered by a 1-click

    Podcast Pro

    Podcast Pro is a Genesis child theme by brandiD, that helps you speak your truth, tell a story, and share your voice with the world. Educate, inspire, or move people

    PayPal Commerce Pro Payment Gateway

    The PayPal Commerce Pro payment gateway extension for Easy Digital Downloads allows you to accept credit cards, debit cards, and alternative payments alongside PayPal on your WordPress sites. With PayPal

    Stripe Pro Payment Gateway

    Want to take the full potential of Stripe when selling digital downloads? Stripe is the premier choice for online credit card processing; it’s also the most popular payment gateway for Easy

    Multi Currency

    Want to maximize international sales? Then, you’ll need to display and accept multiple currencies on your site. With multi-currency support, you can help customers avoid being charged a currency conversion

    Coaching Pro

    Coaching Pro is a Genesis child theme by brandiD. Perfect for personal branding sites like a life coach, business coach, speaker, author or consultant.

    Hello! Commerce

    Hello! Commerce is a Genesis child theme by brandiD. It has a versatile home page complete with a great EDD shop and cart page.

    Karma Digital

    Karma is a Genesis child theme designed for digital sellers. It’s a clean, fast, and customizable theme for WordPress and Genesis Framework.

    shortcode can now be sorted by average rating
  • Refactor metabox to allow status of reviews to be changed via AJAX and to allow replies to be directly from the metabox
  • Allow all emails to be customizable and introduce of custom template tags
  • Only load CSS on single downloads and remove fixed width of labels
  • Introduced an option to prevent authors from leaving reviews on their own products
  • Use edd_get_option() instead of $edd_options global to ensure the correct filters are applied.
  • Fix: Shortcode now works for multiple reviews
  • Fix: All the review counter bars are now responsive
  • Fix: “Insert Review” media button wasn’t displaying anything when modal was opened
  • Fix: Rating stars now display correct on the “Vendor Feedback page”
  • Fix: Dashboard widget now links to the correct URLs