Version 3.8.14 — August 8, 2024
- Compatibility: Fixed an issue causing a fatal error with EDD 2.x
- Licenses: Improved detection of if a license could be extended.
- Licenses: The retroactive license processor could create licenses for renewal orders.
Version 3.3.3 — August 6, 2024
- Reports: Refund tiles for fully refunded items could include partial refunds.
- Sessions: Improve session handling during checkout when logging in a user at the same time.
- Admin: Fixed a display issue when searching for EDD items in list views.
- Emails: Prevent a PHP error related to the Email Summary settings.
- Emails: Improved the Email Summaries reliability.
- Blocks: Fixed an issue on the Checkout block for existing customers without a last name.
- Downloads: Improved the handling of the cart widget markup when adding an item to the cart.
- Downloads: Improved the detection and handling of local files when they are downloaded.
- Settings: Refactored the process of saving settings for consistency.
Version 2.12.5 — August 5, 2024
- Downloads: Fixes an issue where deleting a customer email address could block access to a file download for a customer with an active subscription.
- Emails: Registers an admin renewal notification email for when renewal orders are received (requires EDD 3.3.0).
- Emails: Updates the email tag handling.
- Integrations: Updates the Software Licensing integration for logging when a license key is renewed.
- Orders: If a renewal order cannot be recorded, the subscription is not renewed.
- Settings: Updates the settings screen checkbox inputs.
- Dev: Dynamic properties are allowed on the
Version 1.2.1 — July 29, 2024
- Admin: Updates the wording around the admin deposit and withdrawal emails to be more clear.
- Admin: Updates the settings screen checkboxes.
- Emails: The customer deposit receipt email status can be edited.
- Shortcodes: Fixes the deposit shortcode JavaScript handling for custom deposit amounts.
- Shortcodes: Fixes missing CSS for customers who have the Wallet CSS disabled.
Version 3.8.13 — July 25, 2024
- API: Prevents a PHP notice when checking a license without a URL.
- Changelogs: Fixes an issue which could break URLs in changelogs.
- Checkout: Fixes a JavaScript error on checkout for stores which do not allow license renewals.
- Database: Fixes an issue which could prevent querying for licenses by a specific cart index.
- Emails: Fixes an issue which prevented scheduled renewal notices from sending.
- Emails: Ensure that sent renewal notices are still logged to the license data.
- Licenses: Improves license creation performance.
- Samples: Fixes PHP warnings for plugins which do not set version requirements. The updater class is now at version 1.9.4.
- Renewals: Fixes an issue which allowed renewal text and links to show for licenses which could not be renewed.
- Widget: The changelog widget could cause PHP notices in PHP 8.0.
Version 3.3.2 — July 25, 2024
- Checkout: Improved session handling with Stripe payments.
- Settings: Improved pass validation that could cause deactivation on certain server configurations.
- Admin: Improve responsiveness of EDD admin menus.
- Sessions: Set default session handling to database on new installs.
- i18n: Ensure that some block strings are able to be translated.
Version 1.2.5 — July 24, 2024
- Admin: Admin styles have been updated for a cleaner, more modern appearance.
- Admin: The EDD quick links have been updated.
- Admin: Messages were not showing on the customer screen in EDD 3.x.
- Admin: Messages now display the time sent in the site/local timezone.
- Compatibility: The plugin has been updated to be fully compatible with the latest Easy Digital Downloads versions.
- Integrations: Fixes license renewal notice logging with Software Licensing.
- Emails: Sending a message without an attachment would cause a deprecation notice in PHP 8.1.
- Dev: The minimum version requirements are now PHP 7.4, WordPress 5.8, and Easy Digital Downloads 3.2.0.
Version 3.3.1 — July 17, 2024
- Settings: Fixed a PHP warning related to a store’s region when managing settings.
- Settings: Ensure that the selected currency option is a registered currency.
- Orders: Fixed an issue resulting in searching for orders not always working.
- Emails: Ensure that email subjects do not contain HTML tags.
- Emails: The Admin Sale Notification wasn’t sending to multiple recipients.
- Checkout: Improved checkout page detection compatibility for extensions.
- Onboarding: Improved the onboarding wizard styles and content.
Version — July 12, 2024
- Fix: Correct an issue that could result in a missing class error.
Version 3.3.0 — July 11, 2024
- Important: This release requires WordPress 6.0 or higher.
- Emails: NEW Managing emails is now easier than ever with the new Email Editor. All emails are now visible and managed from Downloads > Emails.
- Emails: NEW You can now easily toggle the status of most emails to enable or disable them.
- Emails: NEW Email tags have been improved to be more widely available to extensions and are now context aware by email type and recipient.
- Emails: NEW You can now send an email to the customer when an order is marked as refunded.
- Emails: NEW Added email tags for the refund amount and refund ID.
- Emails: NEW You can now see a log of emails sent to customers by EDD in Downloads > Emails > Logs.
- Emails: NEW Added a new email tag for the order fees.
- Emails: NEW Added the ability to email store owners about the Stripe “Early Fraud Warning” webhook.
- Emails: NEW You can now easily restore the default email templates from the editor.
- Emails: More emails are now able to be previewed and tested.
- Emails: Added the ability to edit the New User, Password Reset, and User Verification emails.
- Emails: Email settings have been moved to Downloads > Emails > Settings.
- Sessions: NEW The session handling has been rewritten from the ground up to be more reliable and improve performance.
- Sessions: The session storage method can now be changed via a setting in Downloads > Settings > Misc.
- Sessions: Added a custom database table for session storage, when using the database storage method.
- Sessions: Improved the performance and reliability of the session cleanup Cron event.
- Sessions: Improved session handling to only start when necessary, allowing more pages to be cached for guests.
- Extensions: The Disable Purchase Receipts extension is now marked as legacy and will be deactivated, as the functionality is now built into EDD.
- Extensions: The Auto Register extension is now marked as legacy and will be deactivated, as the functionality is now built into EDD.
- Stripe: Improved the handling when a Stripe customer cannot be found.
- Stripe: Added a disconnect button to the Stripe settings if the Stripe account that is connected has been closed.
- Stripe: Improved and implemented fallbacks to reduce failures when processing Stripe payments.
- PayPal: Improved the onboarding process for PayPal to avoid a possible fatal error.
- HTML: The Product Dropdown element has been improved for reliability, search, and performance.
- Migration: Improved the reliability of the EDD 3.0+ migration routine.
- Reports: When the percentage difference was calculated, it was possible for a positive change to show as a negative percentage.
- Cart: In some cases, the Add to Cart button was not redirecting logged-in users to the checkout page.
- Checkout: Improved the handling of the purchase form when showing the login form.
- Checkout: Improved the handling of the address fields when using the Stripe Payment Element.
- Checkout: Improved purchase validation during the checkout process.
- Exports: The Orders Export could sometimes use the product ID as the User ID.
- WPCron: We’ve refactored how EDD uses WPCron to improve performance and reliability.
- Customers: Improved the validation when removing email addresses from a customer.
- Admin: Many of our ‘checkbox’ settings have been updated to use the new ‘toggle’ setting type.
- Admin: Improved the consistency of the EDD Admin Pages.
- i18n: Updated the list of regions for the UK.
- i18n: Added Regions for Benin.
- i18n: We reviewed, updated, and improved a large number of translations with translator comments and context.
- Performance: Improved integration with the Heartbeat API to reduce the number of requests.
- Refunds: Improved the reliability and performance of generating a refund number.
Version 2.3.15 — July 10, 2024
- Checkout: Logged in users could be redirected to an outdated confirmation page in error.
- Checkout: Fixes an issue with free orders not having an email address set for logged in users.
- Emails: Fixes the default email content for the verification email.
- Scripts: Updates the script handling for variable products with a free option.
Version 3.6.0 — July 9, 2024
- Important: The minimum version requirements for Commissions are now PHP 7.4, WordPress 5.8, and Easy Digital Downloads 3.2.12.
- Checkout: Commissions are now generated (and relevant emails sent) shortly after an order is placed, to speed up the user checkout experience (deferred actions).
- Emails: Updated to integrate with EDD email handling.
- Emails: A new email has been registered to allow stores to send one email per order to all users receiving commissions, rather than one email per commission. Requires EDD 3.3.0.
- Emails: Email tags have been added to show users their total lifetime commissions and current pending/unpaid commissions.
- Multi Currency: Commissions now support multiple currencies when recording and in reports.
- Admin: Commissions are now displayed on the order details screen.
- Admin: The commissions screens have been updated.
- Admin: When manually creating a commission, store owners can choose to not send commission email notifications.
- Admin: When creating a manual order, store owners can choose to not record commissions.
- Admin: The EDD flyout menu links directly to the Commissions docs from Commissions screens.
- Admin: The commissions list table has been updated for consistency with other EDD tables.
- Exports: Generating a payouts file could trigger an error in the AJAX response.
- Exports: Improved performance, management, and protection of export files generated by Commissions.
- Exports: Generating a payouts export has been updated to be more efficient.
- Orders: Notes are no longer recorded when a new commission is recorded (and instead all commissions are available in the Order Details).
- Reports: The Export Commissions report was missing in EDD 3.x.
- Shortcodes: The commissions graph shortcode has been updated to not conflict with default WordPress queries.
- Dev: The custom database table registrations have been updated.
- Dev: The commissions custom post type is no longer registered.
- Dev: The “Instant Pay Commissions” setting has been removed and is no longer available for new PayPal Adaptive Payments users.
- Dev: The
function has been registered to allow users to add a single commission.
Version 2.3.14 — June 27, 2024
- Emails: Disabling the core EDD purchase confirmation could cause a fatal error after the order was completed, preventing the after order actions from running.
- Download verification: if user verification is required, errors were not properly displayed on the Free Downloads form.
- Settings: The extension settings have been updated for email management.
- Dev: Asset handling has been improved by loading scripts and styles only when needed.
Version 3.0.2 — June 24, 2024
- New: Updated to integrate with EDD email management.
- Preapprovals: Completing a preapproved order has been updated for better EDD 3.x compatibility.
- Dev: License handling and text domain registration have been updated.
- Dev: The minimum Easy Digital Downloads version required is 3.2.0.
Version 2.12.4 — June 20, 2024
- New: Updated to integrate with EDD email management.
- Sessions: Improved integration with EDD user sessions for requiring user registration during checkout.
- Admin: CSS which replicates EDD core CSS has been removed.
- Subscriptions: Subscriptions which are expired, cancelled, or failing can no longer be set to failing from a webhook event.
Version 3.8.12 — June 19, 2024
- New: Updated to integrate with EDD email management.
- WordPress Plugins: The custom readme.txt file parser has been updated for improved PHP compatibility.
- Database: Queries are ordered to match the database columns to be more efficient.
- Discounts: Checkout and discount validation when discounts are disabled for renewals has been improved.
- Blocks: The markup and style have been updated for license keys on the EDD Receipt block.
- Samples: The
transient data now includes only what’s needed for updates, for improved compatibility with the WordPress Core update system. - Dev: PHP and JavaScript has been updated for newer version compatibility.
- Dev: The
methods should now be used with the license class object directly.
Version 1.2.0 — June 19, 2024
- New: Custom blocks have been registered for showing a user their wallet balance and transaction history!
- New: A custom block has been registered for the Wallet deposit form.
- Emails: Improved email integration with Easy Digital Downloads.
- Emails: A new
email tag has been registered. - Checkout: Incentive handling has been updated for better compatibility with other extensions.
- Checkout: If applying or removing a discount changes whether the customer can use their wallet to complete a purchase, the checkout screen will reload.
- Admin: Editing a customer’s wallet has been improved.
- Admin: Admins will now see a warning before deleting a user with a wallet balance.
- Dev: Improved JavaScript and PHP 8 compatibility.
- Dev: The new minimum requirements are PHP 7.1, WordPress 5.4, and Easy Digital Downloads 3.1.5.
Version 1.1.2 — June 19, 2024
- Fixes an issue with Frontend Submissions and sending custom files to a customer.
Version 2.2.1 — June 17, 2024
- Fix: Checkout field help text now properly supports special characters and limited HTML markup.
- Dev: Updated for PHP 8 compatibility.
- Dev: The new minimum requirements are PHP 7.1, WordPress 5.4, and EDD 3.1.5.
Version 2.3.13 — June 15, 2024
- Fixed: The free download verification email tag did not always return the correct link.