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Checkout Fields Manager Changelog

Version 2.0.6 — April 26, 2016

  • Fix: Last name field cannot be removed from checkout.

Version 2.0.5 — April 22, 2016

  • Fix: Allow translation files to load correctly based on locale.

Version 2.0.4 — April 21, 2016

  • Fix: Some text strings used the wrong text domain.

Version 2.0.3 — March 23, 2016

  • Fixed: The grabbing of meta (errors were showing upon “Checkout Fields Manager datepicker field schema” update).

Version 2.0.2 — March 15, 2016

  • Fixed: upgrade issue from 1.x to 2.0 branch.
  • Fixes: PHP7 compatibility.

Version 2.0.1 — March 1, 2016

  • Fixed: Issue with admin notification email contents.

Version 2.0.0 — March 1, 2016

  • New: Introduced CFM Field API that all CFM fields now run on
  • New: Introduced CFM Form API that all CFM forms now run on
  • New: Introduced _cfm_deprecated_function()
  • New: Introduced Honeypot field
  • New: Introduced ReCAPTCHA 2.0 field
  • New: Introduced Terms and Conditions field
  • New: Introduced Country dropdown field
  • New: Introduced Email field
  • New: Introduced Hidden field
  • New: Introduced Select field
  • New: Massive overhaul of the date field
  • New: Massive overhaul of the file upload field
  • New: The ability to save date to either the payment (for use on single order) or the customer (for use on many orders)
  • New: Ability for customer to edit customer meta saved data from the EDD profile shortcode
  • New: Ability for admin to edit customer meta saved data from the EDD Customers view
  • New: Validation routines now use edd’s inbuilt validation, and is done in filterable PHP, not JavaScript
  • New: The ability to import, export and reset the checkout form
  • New: The ability to make admin-side only fields (for things like storing extra information about orders)
  • New: Introduce cfm_is_key() and many more array helper functions
  • New: Formbuilder now divides fields into custom and extension field metaboxes
  • New: Raised minimum EDD requirement to 2.4
  • New: Raised minimum WP requirement to 4.3
  • New: CSS class can now be added to all fields in CFM
  • New: You can now toggle which fields are added by default to the CSV exports
  • New: You can now use any CFM field in the EDD emails.
  • New: Completely new upgrade and install routine with a new schema class
  • New: Intelligent schema corrector that finds issues with stored fields and automatically fixes them
  • New: Introduced a multitude of EDD session variables for detecting a CFM form being submitted, validated and more.
  • New: Hundreds of added filters and actions for you to enjoy
  • New: CFM now adds an EDD settings tab in the extension settings (only used for storing reCAPTCHA keys for now)
  • New: Introduced get_form_id_by_name function
  • New: Introduced get_form_class_by_name function
  • New: Introduced get_form_by_name function
  • New: Introduced get_form_by_id function
  • New: Introduced get_form_name_by_class function
  • New: Added error if the checkout form isn’t set
  • New: Added index.php in the language folder
  • New: Introduced a highly robust and filterable field sanitization and validation system
  • New: Introduced cfm_dash_to_lower function
  • New: Introduced cfm_is_frontend() function
  • New: Introduced cfm_is_admin function
  • New: Introduced cfm_is_api_request function
  • New: Completely rethought system for triggering the EDD file protection for uploaded files
  • New: Better file upload validation routines
  • New: Scripts and Styles are now minified triggered using an new, better system
  • New: Hundreds of PHPdocblocs added
  • New: All fields have brand new sanitization and validation routines designed from scratch
  • New: Massive improvements to the display of the formbuilder styling wise
  • New: Removed hundreds of lines of reduced JS and CSS previously loaded on the checkout page
  • New: All fields now follow EDD core’s method of html structure
  • New: Reformatted changelog
  • New: (and unbelievably if you consider all that’s above this), CFM is now 2,200 lines of code shorter than previous versions (less places for bugs to be).
  • Fixed: Checkout formbuilder now does not show in the network panel of an MS site
  • Fixed: All text fields now use the edd-input class for consistent styling
  • Fixed: Undefined index errors with some of the fields
  • Fixed: There is now no way to bypass a required checkbox field
  • Fixed: A console.log which was accidentally left in a JS file has been removed
  • Tweak: The “Do Action” field is now called “Action Hook”

Version 1.2.1 — December 16, 2015

  • Fixed: a conflict with WordPress 4.4.

Version 1.2 — September 30, 2015

  • New: an option to make first name optional
  • Fixed: an issue with required fields not being passed to EDD checkout properly

Version 1.1.6 — August 21, 2015

  • Fixed: bug with checkbox fields not being included in export or email tags

Version 1.1.5 — August 4, 2015

  • New: Fixed problem that prevented other extensions from customizing the checkout screen

Version 1.1.4 — May 3, 2015

  • New: Checkout fields manager now supports file uploads attachments on EDD core emails

Version 1.1.3 — May 3, 2015

  • New: Checkout fields manager now supports commissions emails

Version 1.1.2 — May 3, 2015

  • New: All field types can now be used in emails

Version 1.1.1 — September 25, 2014

  • Fixed: a bug with upload fields not working on the View Order Details screen

Version 1.1.0 — August 1, 2014

  • New: ability to export fields in emails
  • New: ability to export fields in CSV

Version 1.0.4 — March 28, 2014

  • Fixed: a bug with not being able to properly save payment details with CFM active.

Version 1.0.3 — March 12, 2014

  • Fixed: a bug with required checkboxes not being required.

Version 1.0.2 — February 10, 2014

  • Fixed: a bug with not being able to submit the checkout form

Version 1.0.1 — February 3, 2014

  • Fixed: a conflict with Stripe and Paymill payment gateways