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Commissions Changelog

Version 3.3.3 — June 15, 2017

  • Tweak: Update POT file.
  • Fix: Possible error trying to run sanitization functions on commission rate amounts.
  • Fix: “Last Year” report threw undefined variable notice.
  • Fix: Rounding functions were using hard coded “2” instead of using currency decimal filter.
  • Fix: Incorrect terminology in setting description for Recurring Payments integration.

Version 3.3.2 — April 28, 2017

  • Fix: Commissions Total was missing from Commissions List table.
  • Fix: Removed unneeded troubleshooting output from list table through “column_default” function.
  • Fix: Added span ID and legend elements for Paypal Commissions email field in

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  • Fix: User search field on Commission List Table page wasn’t working and now does again.
  • Fix: Customer admin view included products for which commissions were enabled and subsequently disabled. Now does not.
  • New: Added setting option to record (or not record) Commissions valued at 0.
  • New: Added helper function for the display of all rates to format them easily and correctly (eddc_format_rate).
  • New: Added ability to add new Commission Types through the user of filter (eddc_commission_types).

Version 3.3.1 — March 27, 2017

  • Fix: PayPal Email field not registered in FES Profile form editor.

Version 3.3 — March 27, 2017

  • New: Rewritten UI for configuring commissions on products.
  • New: EDD_Commission class for abstracting commission records.
  • New: Added user ID to commission payout CSV.
  • New: Setting to disable commission notification emails.
  • New: Individual commission admin view.
  • New: Setting to auto-revoke unpaid commissions on refund.
  • New: Added ability to re-assign commissions.
  • New: Added several new hooks to metabox, commission list and add/edit pages.
  • New: Added support for commissions on renewal payments in Recurring Payments.
  • New: Added commission overview CSV exporter.
  • Fix: Custom date ranges in commission reports.
  • Fix: Commissions list displaying incorrect rate if type is changed.
  • Fix: Compatibility issue with Simple Shipping and PayPal Adaptive Payments.
  • Fix: Invalid markup in widget ID attribute.
  • Tweak: Improved Simple Shipping option descriptions.
  • Tweak: Improved payout generation to use individual commission currencies.

Version 3.2.12 — November 6, 2016

  • Fix: Rich editor not working properly on email settings page.
  • Tweak: Added “Commission Notifications” section to Emails tab in settings.

Version 3.2.11 — October 10, 2016

  • Fix: Incorrect product title shown in REST API.

Version 3.2.10 — March 5, 2016

  • Fix: Commissions menu not displaying in admin.

Version 3.2.9 — March 4, 2016

  • Fix: Shipping fees not respected when paying commissions through PayPal Adaptive Payments.
  • Fix: 100% commission rates do not work through PayPal Adaptive Payments.

Version 3.2.8 — February 15, 2016

  • New: Improved payout file generation process.
  • Tweak: Better error handling in payout file generation when no dates are specified.

Version 3.2.7 — February 2, 2016

  • Fix: Fix 0 rates being improperly set.

Version 3.2.6 — January 28, 2016

  • Fix: PHP notice when calling eddc_get_recipient_rate when calling without a download ID.
  • New: Added fa_IR translation.

Version 3.2.5 — January 9, 2016

  • Fix: Custom Date Ranges on commission report is incorrect.
  • Fix: Honor commission rate of 0 instead of using global.
  • Fix: Commissions list table showing variable price name for commissions earned on purchase alongside a product with variable pricing.
  • New: Add support for EDD 2.5 Settings Subsections.
  • Tweak: Update customer UI tab for EDD 2.5 changes.

Version 3.2.4 — December 18, 2015

  • Fix: [ edd_commissions_graph ] displayed earnings for all vendors.
  • New: Added support for excluding/including shipping fees from Simple Shipping in commission calculations.

Version 3.2.3 — October 30, 2015

  • Fix: PayPal Email field not shown in admin profile editor for Frontend Submissions.
  • Fix: PHP Strict notice.

Version 3.2.2 — October 25, 2015

  • Fix: Flat rate amounts less than 1 are converted incorrectly.
  • Fix: Amounts sent to PayPal Adaptive Payments incorrect when a purchase contains items from multiple vendors and shipping charges.
  • New: Added new PayPal Email field for Frontend Submissions v2.3+.

Version 3.2.1 — August 5, 2015

  • Fix: Honor shortcode attributes like user_id.
  • Fix: Improve performance of Commissions list table.
  • Fix: Generate user commissions export now takes a user_id instead of relying solely on current user.
  • Tweak: Use proper H3 tag for export paid commissions section.
  • Tweak: Context aware shortcodes for when admins are viewing another’s data.
  • Tweak: Allow paid commissions exporter work in the admin.

Version 3.2 — July 14, 2015

  • New: added edd_commissions_overview shortcode for showing a vendor an overview of their sales and earnings.
  • New: added edd_commissions_graph for displaying a filterable graph of earnings and sales for vendors.
  • New: added Commissions tab to Customer Details screens for customers that receive commissions.
  • New: updated payout file generation to use batch processing available in Easy Digital Downloads v2.4+, making payout file generation for large sites more reliable.
  • New: added Revoked Total line to commissions table for vendors.
  • New: added option to set minimum earnings threshold to payout file generation.
  • New: commissions generated through license renewals are now indicated.
  • New: added search field to Commissions table.
  • New: added Payment Email field to the EDD Profile Editor.
  • Fix: pagination failed when viewing commissions for specific status.
  • Fix: year drop down shows improper year options.

Version 3.1.4 — May 18, 2015

  • Fixed a bug with pagination on the commissions shortcode.
  • Updated language files.

Version 3.1.3 — April 20, 2015

  • XSS security flaw fix.

Version 3.1.2 — March 17, 2015

  • Fixed a bug that caused commissions to be generated twice if a payment is changed from Complete to non-complete and then back to Complete.