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Commissions Changelog

Version 3.1.1 — January 19, 2015

  • Fixed a bug with the pagination on the Earnings tab of the Vendor Dashboard when using Frontend Submissions.

Version 3.1 — January 8, 2015

  • Added an option to include or exclude taxes from commission calculations.
  • Fixed an undefined variable bug on the Reports graph.

Version 3.0 — December 29, 2014

  • Added support for custom vendor sale notification emails (Downloads > Settings > Emails).
  • Fixed a bug with Custom Date ranges on the Reports view.
  • Fixed a bug in the REST API endpoint that caused it to show the same commission amounts for Revoked and Paid.

Version 2.9.1 — November 18, 2014

  • Allow user_id to be passed to eddc_user_commissions().

Version 2.9 — October 1, 2014

  • Added support for manually creating new commission records.
  • Reorganized some of the plugin files.
  • Updated the translation files.

Version 2.8.2 — September 23, 2014

  • Updated translation files.

Version 2.8.1 — September 12, 2014

  • Added the Commission ID to the eddc_sale_alert filter.
  • Added a new “store-commissions” endpoint to the REST API to allow store owners to view a list of commissions via the API.

Version 2.8 — September 8, 2014

  • This update will ask you to run an upgrade routine.
  • Improved commission status tracking that is far more performant.
  • Added new helper functions for eddc_set_commission_status() and eddc_get_commission_status().
  • Added an option to revoke commissions.
  • Added support for the new email templates in EDD v2.1+.
  • Updated the REST API integration to include revoked commissions.
  • Updated the commissions short code to display revoked commissions.
  • Added support for item-specific fees being introduced in EDD v2.2.

Version 2.7.7 — September 3, 2014

  • Fixed a bug that caused some amounts to be shown with too many decimal places.

Version 2.7.6 — August 4, 2014

  • Fixed a serious bug with how the commission amounts were recorded for Downloads that included a quantity greater than one.

Version 2.7.5 — June 25, 2014

  • Fixed a minor bug related to the Manual Purchases extension.

Version 2.7.4 — June 20, 2014

  • Fixed a minor bug with an admin view in Frontend Submissions.

Version 2.7.3 — May 15, 2014

  • Fixed a bug with generating payout files that cross month boundaries.

Version 2.7.2 — April 10, 2014

  • Fixed a bug with the PayPal Adaptive Payments integration and purchasing items from multiple vendors at once.

Version 2.7.1 — March 16, 2014

  • Fixed a bug with the EDD_License check that could cause a fatal error if EDD wasn’t activated.

Version 2.7 — March 10, 2014

  • Added support for paying out commission recipients instantly with PayPal Adaptive Payments.

Version 2.6 — February 4, 2014

  • Added support for setting whether commissions are calculated off of the purchase total or the subtotal.

Version 2.5.1 — February 1, 2014

  • Fixed a conflict with Frontend Submissions that caused commission settings to be lost when approving a product.

Version 2.5 — January 28, 2014

  • Added support for generating a mass payment file of commissions between specific dates.

Version 2.4.4 — January 24, 2014

  • Fixed a bug that allowed users to edit their own global commission rate.