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Conditional Emails Changelog

Version 1.1.3 — May 15, 2024

  • Improvement: The conditional email editor has been updated to be more consistent with EDD core styles.
  • Fix: In EDD 3.x, conditional emails were not being sent for manually created orders.
  • Fix: Conditional emails for abandoned carts were not being sent.
  • Dev: Improved PHP compatibility.
  • Dev: The new minimum requirements are PHP 7.4, WordPress 5.8, and Easy Digital Downloads 3.1.5.

Version 1.1.2 — July 13, 2021

  • Dev: Compatibility with EDD 3.0.

Version 1.1.1 — June 11, 2019

  • New: Added support for email headers

Version 1.1.0 — August 23, 2016

  • Improved: Codebase cleanup
  • Improved: Available email tags list
  • Updated: Moved settings to extensions section
  • Added: CFM fields support in emails
  • Added: Software Licensing support in emails
  • Added: Software Licensing upgrade template tags (license_key and license_product)

Version 1.0.4 — January 11, 2016

  • Added support for sending emails when pending payments are created

Version 1.0.3 — November 2, 2015

  • Added: Send on minimum purchase price

Version 1.0.2 — September 28, 2015

  • Fix broken redirects
  • Fix saving subject lines

Version 1.0.1 — April 20, 2015

  • Add support for sending emails to the site admin and custom email addresses
  • Add ‘abandoned cart’ condition that presets the status change conditions
  • Minor usability tweaks
  • Fix URL escaping issue

Version 1.0.0 — December 30, 2014

  • Initial release

Read our latest blog post:
How to Use Smart Tags in Email Marketing