Version 1.1.10 — January 8, 2024
- Compatibility: Minimum requirements updated – PHP 5.6+ WordPress 4.9+, EDD 2.11.4+
- Compatibility: Added PHP 8.2 support.
- Compatibility: Improved compatibility with EDD 3.0+ when displaying Cross-Sells and Upsells on the front-end.
- Reports: Improved efficiency of the export tool.
- Performance: Improved cross-sell/upsell stats calculation performance.
- Tools: Cross-sell and Upsell stats are recalculated when using the EDD “Recount Stats” tool.
Version 1.1.9 — March 23, 2021
- Fix: Errors in PHP 8.
- Fix: Meta box for selecting a dropdown could crash if you have a lot of products.
- Tweak: Removed schema data from upsells and cross-sells.
- Tweak: Update plugin author name and URI.
- Dev: Added support for EDD 3.0.
Version 1.1.8 (and previous) — January 10, 2021
- Fix: Fatal error was being caused by incorrect number of parameters being passed to the edd_download_class filter.
- Fix: The checkout page will now be refreshed when cross-sell downloads are added to the cart
- Fix: Undefined variable during purchase if Test Mode is enabled
- Fix: Warning when refunding payments when using PHP 7.1
- Fix: Cross-sells and Upsells already in the cart should not be displayed
- Fix: Cross-sells/Upsells not showing reports
- Tweak: Extension settings moved to sub-section
- Fix: XSS vulnerability in query args
- Fix: Default Cross-sell heading was not showing at checkout when their was one trigger download and no per-download cross-sell heading defined
- New: Plugin activation script
- Fix: Plugin no longer deactivates itself when EDD is updated
- Fix: When no cross-sell/upsell heading is specified there is no longer empty heading tags in the HTML
- Tweak: Removed unnecessary EDD licensing files
- Tweak: Updated translation file/s
- Fix: Incorrect cross-sell heading being shown at checkout when two cross-sell trigger products had exactly the same cross-sells
- New: Cross-sell/Upsell Reporting via Downloads -> reports. Select either Cross-sells or Upsells from the select menu
- New: Cross-sell/Upsell Exporting via Downloads -> reports -> export. Export Cross-sell or Upsell history
- New: Cross-sell/Upsell Logging via Downloads -> reports -> Logs. Select either Cross-sells or Upsells from the select menu
- New: “View Order Details” page via Downloads -> Payment History now shows you whether the order had cross-sells or upsells included
- Tweak: Updated translations
- New: edd_csau_upsell_show_button filter which allows you to hide or show the add to cart buttons.
- Tweak: Added apply_filters to download class to better match shortcode
- Fix: Changed priority of custom metabox to “high” so the select menu does not get cut off when there are many downloads, making it difficult to select downloads
- First release.