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Frontend Submissions Changelog

Version 2.2 — May 9, 2014

  • New: Introduces the much requested vendor contact form
  • New: Full integration with EDD Audio Player
  • New: Converted to using the WordPress Media Uploader for all uploaders
  • New: Introduced a new featured image/avatar uploader
  • New: Over 200 new filters and actions to make it more developer friendly
  • New: Redesigned form editor makes creating forms even easier than before
  • New: Added validation for the multiple price field
  • New: Allows vendors to change the name of their store
  • New: Allows vendors to change the email the vendor contact form sends emails for them to
  • New: Added a simple UI to let store owners set prices and the names of price options on the multiple pricing field
  • New: Added more ways to customize the multiple pricing field to meet your exact store needs
  • New: Allows for a consistent email experience with FES
  • New: Added the ability to use fields from the profile, registration and submission forms in emails
  • New: Added the ability for people to create their own email tags
  • New: New settings panel with the ability to import/export settings
  • New: New vendor management list table to let store owners easily manage vendors
  • New: Added the ability for store owners to instantly see the data entered into the profile and registration forms of vendors
  • New: Added the ability to import and export FES Forms
  • New: Added the ability to revoke previously approved submissions and vendors
  • New: Added a new System Info allowing quick access to essential inform for support purposes
  • New: Moved from 5 uploaders to 2 really nice new ones that use the WP Media Manager
  • New: Merged the vendor application and registration forms into a single 1 step form submission process, making it easier for vendors to sign up
  • New: Added the ability to show a CAPTCHA field on the vendor contact and login forms
  • New: Added the ability to let customers sign into the vendor dashboard\’s login form and be brought to the My Account page
  • New: Added new shortcodes to let you show information from the submission form on the frontend of products
  • New: Added new shortcodes to render all of the forms
  • New: Changed the vendor store URLS to use pretty permalinks
  • New: Created the ability for vendors to be able to see orders involving their products
  • New: Integrated with Simple Shipping to allow vendors to mark orders as “completed”
  • New: Added a “forgot password” link to the login form
  • New: FES now loads templates for FES found in the edd_templates folder of themes
  • New: Multiple price field is now validated
  • New: Checkbox fields are now validated
  • New: Added direct complete integration with EDD Audio Player (update of that plugin required)
  • New: Added the ability to suspend and unsuspend vendor accounts
  • New: Added a link from vendor products in the backend to their respective edit vendor page
  • New: FES now uses minified versions of our JS and CSS by default (toggle off via a filter) on the frontend
  • New: Added the ability to predefine prices and names of price options on the multiple pricing field
  • New: Added a helper function to get FES settings
  • Changed: All vendors now use the frontend_vendor role (even if it’s not their primary role). Use of fes_is_vendor cap is no longer supported (for performance reasons)
  • Changed: All settings now use the global $fes_settings variable. Names have changed on a few settings
  • Changed: From functions to filters to actions to settings, “edd_fes” has been replaced to the less redundant “fes” so all of them are consistently named. Also, whenever possible, underscores have been changed to “-“s
  • Bug: A littany of small bugs were fixed. Too many to name.
  • Bug: Now no more fatal errors if FES Forms aren’t created in admin area.
  • Bug: Removed password strength meter
  • Bug: Fixed all the strict errors
  • Bug: reCAPTCHA now uses the clean theme
  • Bug: Fixed a bug where on some setups, files were not protected

Version — April 2, 2014

  • Removed the settings dump on System Info

Version 2.1.9 — March 24, 2014

  • Bug: issue with avatars not saving on application submission.

Version 2.1.8 — March 18, 2014

  • Bug: updated licensing / updater to use the version included in EDD core.

Version 2.1.7 — March 11, 2014

  • Bug: Fixed an issue with discount code validation.

Version 2.1.6 — March 9, 2014

  • Bug: Fixed an issue with the featured image not saving
  • Bug: Fixed an issue that caused products to be duplicated many, many times
  • Bug: Fixed an issue with the profile avatar field not saving
  • Bug: Removed ability for vendors to upload unfiltered HTML
  • Bug: Fixed issue with avatar field not being able to be added to the form editor properly
  • Bug: Fixed some improper colloquial language
  • Bug: Fixed outdated language files

Version 2.1.5 — February 25, 2014

  • Bug: Fixed an issue with editing / saving multiple files with the File Upload field

Version 2.1.4 — January 30, 2014

  • Fixed an undefined variable error shown when editing a product.

Version 2.1.3 — January 23, 2014

  • Bug: clicking “Add Price Option” added two rows
  • Bug: Price options couldn’t be deleted
  • Bug: Price name isn’t saved when submitting just one price

Version 2.1.2 — January 18, 2014

  • Bug: avatars could not be deleted from the profile editor
  • Bug: fields container goes off screen on small screens, making it impossible to add some fields
  • Bug: commissions not automatically enabled on product submission

Version 2.1.1 — January 14, 2014

  • Bug: vendors could see media files that were not their own
  • Bug: minor layout issues on the Vendor Dashboard page
  • Bug: Disabling vendor registration didn’t work

Version 2.1 — January 11, 2014

  • Feature: Added the ability for vendors to delete products
  • Feature: Added the ability for vendors to edit products
  • Feature: The application process is now an FES form
  • Feature: Removed a ton of CSS and JS
  • Feature: FES Formbuilder has been improved with better labels, more responsive css, and a new design
  • Bug: Removed Add New button from FES forms page
  • Bug: CSS classes are now consistent
  • Bug: Fixed an issue with Author URLs getting hijacked for non-vendors
  • Bug: Fixed an issue with vendor pages showing all downloads, not just those of the current vendor
  • Bug: Fixed an issue with 404’s on author pages
  • Bug: Improved the install/update script
  • Bug: Fixed an issue with approving / denying vendor applications in bulk
  • Bug: Fixed numerous undefined index errors
  • Bug: Fixed improper and missing text domains

Version 2.0.5 — December 21, 2013

  • Fixes CSS Setting issue

Version 2.0.4 — December 10, 2013

  • Feature: Adds options to prices and files field
  • Bug: Field values of login/register forms not lost on error now
  • Bug: Vendors not allowed to upload product files

Version 2.0.3 — November 24, 2013

  • Bug: change “changes” to uppercase on settings panel
  • Bug: Flash of intro message on FES_forms on saved forms fixed
  • Bug: Shortcode redirects no longer cause fatal errors
  • Bug: Vendors were accidentally always getting approved

Version 2.0.2 — November 23, 2013

  • New: Replaced CList with direct links to FES-forms
  • New: MP6 compatibility
  • New: Author page now redirects to vendor page
  • Bug: Vendors if allowed to go to backend, can no longer edit products
  • Bug: Fatal error caused by typo of email function name
  • Bug: Comments form hidden on submission form view
  • Bug: CSS caused publish button to look odd on edit download

Version 2.0.1 — November 18, 2013

  • Corrected a spelling mistake and solved an install bug.

Version 2.0 — November 14, 2013

  • New: FES Forms added
  • New: Vendor dashboard reorganized
  • New: Admin download list reorganized
  • Bugs: Hundreds of bugs fixed.

Version 1.1.5 — July 12, 2013

  • Fixes the last email bug
  • Adds partial s3 support

Version 1.1 — June 17, 2013

  • Fix email bug
  • Fix styling bug