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Invoices Changelog

Version 1.3.6 — May 16, 2024

  • Fix: Invoices now show quantities when needed.
  • Fix: Stores which support multiple currencies now show the correct currency for all invoice items.
  • Fix: A refunded order now shows the correct refund date on the invoice.
  • Admin: Invoice settings have been updated for compatibility with EDD 3.x.
  • i18n: Translation loading has been updated.
  • Dev: The minimum plugin requirements are now PHP 7.1, WordPress 5.4, and Easy Digital Downloads 3.1.5.

Version 1.3.5 — October 12, 2022

  • New: Invoices is now compatible with the EDD Order History, EDD Receipt, and EDD Confirmation blocks.
  • Fix: Some currency values on the invoice would display in the store default currency when an alternate currency was used.
  • Modified template: invoice-table.php.

Version 1.3.4 — March 1, 2022

  • New: The invoice update form is now a template file.
  • Change: After updating an invoice, the updated invoice opens in a new tab.
  • Change: After updating an invoice, the “Back” button is now a “Home” button.
  • Fix: The email tag was not rendering correctly in emails.
  • Fix: An out of date translation file was removed.

Version 1.3.3 — February 3, 2022

  • New: Invoices can now be disabled for free purchases via the extension settings.
  • Fix: Order items on invoices now show the subtotal amount for each product, rather than the amount after fees.
  • Fix: Invoices now use the correct order date.
  • Fix: Orders with incomplete data could throw notices during the migration to EDD 3.0.

Version 1.3.2 — December 21, 2021

  • New: Split the invoice-contacts.php into two separate template files: invoice-company.php and invoice-customer.php. The output was not changed.
  • Fix: The updated library script was causing unexpected output and has been rolled back to a stable version.
  • Fix: When both Software Licensing and Invoices are active, the table headings on the purchase history page were swapped.
  • Dev: Add edd_invoices_after_company_details and edd_invoices_after_customer_details hooks for increased third party plugin compatibility.

Version 1.3.1 — December 2, 2021

  • New: Added optional company name to invoices.
  • Template changed: templates/invoice-contacts.php (to include company name).
  • Changed: Invoice settings are now located under the Payments tab when EDD is at least 2.11.3.
  • Fixed: Customer last name was not showing on invoices.
  • Fixed: Custom invoice prefixes were incorrectly being capitalized by CSS.
  • Dev: Refactor how the plugin is loaded and checks system requirements.
  • Dev: Replaced a sanitization filter which is deprecated in PHP 8.1.
  • Dev: Update html2pdf library.

Version 1.3.0 — November 8, 2021

  • New: Added a button to download the invoice as a PDF.
  • New: Added invoice style settings.
  • New: Added an option to prevent customers from editing their invoice address / billing details.
  • New: Added “View Invoice” links on admin payment history page and individual payment page.
  • New: Added the {edd_invoice} email tag to add a “View Invoice” invoice link to purchase receipts.
  • New: Guests can now view invoices for their purchases via secure URLs.
  • Improvement: The links to view an invoice now take you straight to the invoice itself instead of the generation form. If enabled, editing fields can still be done via an “Update” button on the invoice itself.
  • Refactor: The company address setting is now a textarea, allowing for more freeform input. (Existing address details are migrated automatically.)
  • Fix: Prevent unnecessary files from being deployed.

Version 1.2.2 — July 12, 2021

  • Modified templates: invoice-table.php
  • New: Invoices can now be generated for refunded payments.
  • Improvement: Software Licensing renewal discounts are now shown on invoices.
  • Fix: Invoice not using the name entered in the generation form.
  • Dev: Use new order history hook in EDD 3.0.

Version 1.2.1 — April 21, 2021

  • Modified templates: templates/invoice-table.php
  • New: The tax rate percentage is now shown on the invoice.
  • Fix: Fatal error on WordPress versions lower than 5.1.

Version 1.2.0 — April 12, 2021

  • New: The invoice template can now be overridden. If you want to customize the template, create a folder called edd_templates inside of your active theme’s directory. Then copy the template(s) you want to override from edd-invoices/templates/ into your theme’s directory.
  • New: Various hooks have been added to the invoice template, which will allow you to add custom code without overriding the entire template.
  • New: Added an “Additional Text” setting, which allows site admins to add text that will appear on each invoice.
  • New: A “Generate Invoice” link is now available on the purchase confirmation page.
  • New: A “Print” button has been added to invoices.
  • Improvement: The invoice HTML and CSS has been refactored and modernized. Appearance-wise it still looks very much the same; we’ve just refactored the code.
  • Improvement: The “Paid” image has been replaced with plain text and CSS so it can be translated. It’s also been moved to the invoice header.
  • Improvement: The purchase date has been moved to the invoice header.
  • Improvement: Tax IDs have been moved up to be right under the billing addresses.
  • Improvement: The order “Subtotal” is now included.
  • Improvement: Variable priced option names are now displayed for applicable invoice items.
  • Fix: Invoice date format not using WordPress date format settings.
  • Fix: Invoice page not created on initial activation.
  • Fix: Undefined index error if user generating the invoice doesn’t have a country set.
  • Dev: Introduced a new function edd_invoices_get_invoice_url().
  • Dev: The invoice template has been updated to follow WPCS.
  • Dev: Added support for EDD 3.0.

Version 1.1.6 — January 1, 2019

  • Fix: PHP notices when viewing invoice for customer without an address stored
  • Fix: Incorrect currency code shown on invoice when using multiple currency plugins

Version 1.1.5 — August 16, 2017

  • Fix: Date not showing properly for subscription renewal payments

Version 1.1.4 — June 1, 2017

  • Fix: Invalid HTML structure

Version 1.1.3 — May 4, 2017

  • Fix: Markup issue when payment status does not meet requirements for showing generate link.

Version 1.1.3 — May 4, 2017

  • Fix: Don’t show Generate Invoice links for invalid payments.
  • Fix: Move to using EDD_Payment for increased accuracy.
  • Fix: Check if edd_get_setting exists before using it on activation.
  • Fix: Prevent PHP errors when a payment does not contain billing address information.
  • Fix: Fix asset URL to paid image.
  • Tweak: Add classes to generate invoice submit button.

Version 1.1.2 — July 5, 2016

  • Fix: Settings not retrieved on Invoice page

Version 1.1.1 — May 16, 2015

  • Fix: Invoices page recreated on each admin page load if settings are not saved


  • Fix: Fees not displayed on invoices


  • Fixed: Incorrect invoice data when generating invoices for subscription payments
  • Fixed: Undefined index notices


  • Fixed: Missing text strings in language files


  • Added: Translation support


  • Fixed: incorrect URL to generate invoice


  • FIX: XSS vulnerability in query args


  • Fixed improper URL to the standard.css file


  • Fixed a bug that would cause css to be loaded over http on an https site


  • Fixed a bug that would cause duplicate pages to be created


  • First release.