Version 1.2.5 — July 24, 2024
- Admin: Admin styles have been updated for a cleaner, more modern appearance.
- Admin: The EDD quick links have been updated.
- Admin: Messages were not showing on the customer screen in EDD 3.x.
- Admin: Messages now display the time sent in the site/local timezone.
- Compatibility: The plugin has been updated to be fully compatible with the latest Easy Digital Downloads versions.
- Integrations: Fixes license renewal notice logging with Software Licensing.
- Emails: Sending a message without an attachment would cause a deprecation notice in PHP 8.1.
- Dev: The minimum version requirements are now PHP 7.4, WordPress 5.8, and Easy Digital Downloads 3.2.0.
Version 1.2.4 — July 14, 2022
- Improvement: Improved customer/vendor details header styling to match EDD 3.0.
- Fix: A fatal error could happen on the vendor details messages tab in EDD 3.0.
Version 1.2.3 — February 3, 2022
- Change: Emails to FES vendors are now logged with the vendor ID when logging is enabled.
- Fix: Emails to FES vendors could have been linked to a customer.
- Fix: When an email address was selected, the contact name was not visible in the “to” field.
- Dev: Update how licensing is instantiated.
- Dev: Refactor how the plugin is booted and checks for requirements.
- Dev: Improved compatibility with PHP 8.1.
Version 1.2.2 — March 1, 2021
- Improvement: Message form now resets after sending and a success notice is shown.
- Fix: Purchase receipts not being logged if email subject is empty.
- Tweak: Update plugin author name and URI.
- Dev: EDD 3.0 compatibility.
Version 1.2.1 — October 31, 2019
- Fix: Send Message buttons not displaying in FES Vendor Dashboard.
- New: Email send logs can now be exported for GDPR reports.
Version 1.2 — December 7, 2017
- Added: Use email subject as email template header.
- Added: Support logging Software Licensing emails.
- Added: Link to view logged message contents in logs table.
- Changed: Logged messages below the customer message form now open in a modal.
- Fixed: Form was throwing PHP errors when submitted with missing values.
- Fixed: PHP error when logging purchase receipt due to missing
. - Fixed: PHP error when sending attachments from Amazon S3.
- Fixed: Conflict with EDD Bookings causing vendors to be unable to view their individual bookings.
Version 1.1 — January 12, 2017
- Added integration with Amazon S3 extension to allow sending message attachments to customers and vendors from S3.
- Added settings page.
- Added setting for disabling messaging functionality for vendors.
- Added settings for defining which types of emails to log.
- Added settings for disabling fields on the vendor to customer message form.
- Added filters for adding and removing fields from message form.
- Added filter for message body.
- Added UI for deleting log entries.
- Added option to view message body from logs view.
- Fixed bug preventing vendor messaging to guest customers.
- Fixed styling issue affecting TinyMCE button widths.
Version 1.0.1 — October 19, 2016
- Fixed bug which caused message to not appear for all orders in FES orders table.
- Fixed styling bug causing HTML buttons in text editor on admin form to be full width.
- Added admin notice if EDD or FES are not supported versions.
Version 1.0 — September 7, 2016
- Initial release.