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Recurring Payments Changelog

Version 2.8.8 — July 26, 2019

  • Fix: Free trials with variable priced products do not work in PayPal Express
  • Fix: Subscription payments improperly recorded as Complete in PayPal Standard when renewal payment fails

Version 2.8.7 — June 5, 2019

  • Fix: Recurring tax recorded on renewal payments was incorrectly calculated.
  • Fix: Tax on renewal payments after an upgrade was not properly calculated.
  • Fix: Stripe failed upgrade attempts were causing duplicate subscriptions.
  • Fix: Warning due to checking for trials on checkout.
  • Fix: Prevent errors happening upon renewal emails in edge-case situations where no product is attached to a subscription.
  • Fix: Added defensive checking for errors in the response from PayPal Express.

Version 2.8.6 — April 2, 2019

  • Fix: PayPal Express and Pro currency check was failing for IPNs.

Version 2.8.5 — March 22, 2019

  • Fix: PayPal Express no longer supports multiple subscriptions per checkout. See—paypal-express-gateway-configuration for more information.
  • Fix: Subscriptions with “Times” were not being cancelled/completed for all gateways.
  • Fix: Corrected an issue causing subscriptions to not be cleared from object caching.
  • Fix: Discount codes from parent payment were stored on renewal payments.
  • Fix: Email template tags were using the incorrect method of getting a Download name.
  • Fix: PayPal Pro IPN was storing the currency supplied, instead of comparing it.
  • Fix: 2Checkout gateway was sometimes running when it should not have been.

Version 2.8.4 — February 20, 2019

  • Fix: The dashboard widget and stats api endpoint were not including renewal payments.

Version 2.8.3 — February 19, 2019

  • Fix: The front-end JavaScript for recurring is always registered now, instead of only when it needs to be enqueued.
  • Fix: Corrected an issue causing the “Times Billed” to always be “1”.
  • Fix: Improved the performance of the Subscriptions list table by removing the “Times Billed” column.
  • Fix: The edd_get_total_earnings() function was not including Recurring Payments renewals in the returned value.
  • Dev: When Recurring Payments creates objects in Stripe, metadata is added to the object within Stripe, to improve debugging.

Version 2.8.1 — December 23, 2018

  • Fix: A PHP notice appeared during the subscription table upgrade on sites running PHP 7.2.

Version 2.8 — December 20, 2018

  • New: Tax amounts are now shown on the subscription details page.
  • Fix: Started using EDD_Payments_Query to calculate the total number of payments on a subscription.
  • Fix: Tax details are now stored in the subscriptions table for initial tax and recurring tax.
  • Fix: Tax details are no longer sent to the gateway, preventing different math results for rounding. Tax reports should now be pulled from EDD and not from the gateway.
  • Fix: Content Restriction Integration: Recurring Payments was preventing access for non-recurring purchases.
  • Fix: Content Restriction Integration: Use new/proper hook for metabox checkbox.
  • Fix: Reactivating a subscription from the [edd_subscriptions] shortcode did not reactivate the subscription at Stripe.
  • Fix: Any free trial in the cart would apply a free trial to all products in the cart, even if they were not free trial-enabled. Now free trials cannot be purchased alongside non-free trial products.
  • Fix: Paypal Pro/Express IPN currency check was done against the store currency, but should have been against initial payment currency.
  • Fix: The pagination’s total count on subscription search results was incorrect.
  • Fix: Paypal eCheck was not being handled correctly for subscriptions.
  • Fix: If a Stripe subscription was failing, cancelling the subscription via EDD didn’t cancel at Stripe.
  • Fix: Renewal reminder emails were not always being sent out.

Version 2.7.28 — July 12, 2018

  • Fix: Paypal IPN date could be a different timezone than Recurring was expecting.
  • Fix: The {expiration} email tag was not being updated before sending the renewal notification.
  • Fix: Variable pricing free trials would not reduce the initial purchase cart value on some versions of PHP.
  • Fix: Some translations were not correctly being done on checkout for billing frequency.

Version 2.7.27 — June 18, 2018

  • Fix:  Payments for overdue balances not recorded in EDD after being processed in PayPal Express and PayPal Pro
  • Fix: Unable to manually change subscription status from Cancelled to Active
  • Fix: Incorrect renewal date assigned to subscriptions when upgrading license keys
  • Tweak: Added debug logging to PayPal Pro / Express IPN processing

Version 2.7.26 — May 30, 2018

  • Fix: Subscriptions set to Cancelled incorrectly for Stripe when they should be set to Completed.

Version 2.7.25 — May 10, 2018

  • Enhancement: Added support for Stripe Connect when used with the Stripe payment gateway add-on.
  • Enhancement: When viewing a customer’s subscriptions, the currency shown will match that of the parent subscription.

Version 2.7.24 — May 6, 2018

  • Fix: Subscriptions not cancelled at merchant processor when calling $subscription->cancel()
  • Fix: Subscription not cancelled when changing status from Active to Cancelled in the details screen
  • Fix: “This subscription cannot be cancelled” error message shown when double-clicking cancel link
  • Fix: PHP undefined notices when profile ID is not set in PayPal Express
  • Fix: PayPal Express / Pro: recurring_payment IPN does not check that payment was successful
  • Fix: Subscriptions with free trials set  incorrect license expiration when renewal is processed

Version 2.7.23 — April 2, 2018

  • Fix: Corrected an issue where One-Time Discounts and prices inclusive of tax could cause differences in the amount charged by the gateway.

Version 2.7.22 — March 27, 2018

  • Fix: Removed dashicons from being enqueued on the front end.
  • Fix: Gateway webhooks and IPNs now only renew the subscription if a renewal payment is generated.
  • Fix: Subscription renewal payments were not adding the payment mode, which prevented the ‘Refund in Gateway’ checkbox from appearing.
  • Fix: Subscription and License renewal now is aware of the renewal payment ID, allowing proper data associations.
  • New: Added filters to renewal reminder and renewal processed emails.
  • Tweak: Removed direct calls to get_post_meta in favor of using EDD_SL_License object properties.
  • Tweak: Renewal payments were not triggering the after payment actions.
  • Tweak: 2Checkout – Added debug logging to INS processor when EDD’s debugging is enabled.

Version 2.7.21 — March 7, 2018

  • Fix: Stripe initial and recurring amounts were incorrect if Software Licensing and Taxes were enabled.

Version 2.7.20 — March 6, 2018

  • Fix: Added backwards compatibility check for plans created on old API when doing backfills.

Version 2.7.19 — March 1, 2018

  • New: Subscription amount is now updated automatically in EDD if it changes in Stripe
  • Fix: New plans cannot be created on latest version of Stripe API
  • Fix: Incorrect expiration date when upgrading licenses with different durations

Version 2.7.18 — January 28, 2018

  • Fix: Adding a renewal payment to a subscription via the admin produced ‘non-numeric value’ PHP errors.
  • Fix: Renewal payments were not included in the Earning Report.
  • New: You can now define a specific Stripe API version to use for Recurring Stripe payments with the ‘EDD_STRIPE_API_VER’ constant.

Version 2.8.2 — January 3, 2018

  • Fix: When prices were set to be inclusive of tax, renewals were recorded with tax being exclusive.