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Wish Lists Changelog

Version 1.0.4 — March 19, 2014

  • New: edd_wl_allowed_post_types() function
  • New: edd_wl_item_title_permalink filter hook
  • Fix: issue where add to cart button wasn’t working on wish list page when variable priced download was used

Version 1.0.3 — March 11, 2014

  • Fix: when no text is shown in settings, don’t show default text on front-end
  • Fix: filter with same name as another
  • Fix: removed options passed into the edd_wl_delete_list_link function on the wish-list-edit.php template. These were overriding (as they should) the plugin’s options.
  • Fix: link size CSS class names.
  • Tweak: small CSS adjustment for when add to wish list link does not have any text. The icon now aligns better
  • Tweak: Moved text from delete list modal into the edd_wl_messages() function

Version 1.0.2 — March 10, 2014

  • New: added email sharing as option in extension settings
  • New: added filter to remove delete link
  • Tweak: improved script handling
  • Tweak: JS
  • Tweak: CSS
  • Tweak: improved script loading
  • Tweak: improved handling of list queries
  • Tweak: admin settings improvements
  • Tweak: code refactoring
  • Tweak: drastically reduced code in view and wish lists templates
  • Tweak: Create new list button is now hidden when create page is not selected in settings
  • Tweak: Edit links are now hidden when no edit page selected in options

Version 1.0.1 — February 20, 2014

  • Fix: PHP 5.2 Compatibility
  • Tweak: Different list creation messages for guest/logged in users

Version 1.0.0 — February 17, 2014

  • Initial release