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Easy Digital Downloads Blog
WordPress Tutorials, Tips, and Resources to Help Grow Your Business

On January 1st, 2013, Easy Digital Downloads is changing its extension pricing scheme just slightly. This change will help to clarify license terms and to also better compensate the many different developers that have put time into building the extensions that make Easy Digital Downloads awesome. Instead of just having one price option, each extension

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Version 1.3.4 has just been released and has a lot of very important updates, including a few new features that everyone will appreciate.

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Mint Themes, one of the premiere WordPress theme providers, has just relaunched their website with Easy Digital Downloads as the back bone to their store front. Adam Pickering, founder of Mint Themes, was kind enough to answer a few questions about their experience with the plugin

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WP Jump Start is a phenomenal WordPress theme framework built by Jason Bobich of ThemeBlvd, and the new website has just relaunched with its store powered by Easy Digital Downloads. Jump Start is actually the same framework that powers this site. Jason was kind enough to answer some questions about the implementation.

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Easy Digital Downloads version 1.3.3 was released early this morning and brings an entirely new system for collecting sales tax. Along with the taxes upgrade, a number of significant bug fixes were implemented and also several other improvements across the plugin.

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Organic Themes is a very well known and reputable WordPress theme shop. They have just recently launched version 4 of their site and I’m thrilled to announce that they have converted their store to run off of Easy Digital Downloads. When Easy Digital Downloads was first created, the primary goal of the plugin was to

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