Easy Digital Downloads Changelog
View releases and changelogs for EDD and addons.
Version 2.4.7 — April 15, 2016
- Fix: PayPal Pro shows error if taxes are enabled
- Fix: PayPal Express shows error if taxes are enabled
- Fix: Missing description on email receipt through PayPal Express
- Fix: tax_percent parameter not sent to Stripe
Version 2.4.3 — April 14, 2016
- Fix: Use of deprecated get_currentuserinfo() function removed
- Fix: Stripe Checkout overlay doesn’t load when Jetpack Sharing is active
- Tweak: Reorder Stripe Key inputs to match Stripe interface
- Tweak: Allow filtering of ‘Refund in Stripe’ to support extensions
Version 1.2.15 — April 13, 2016
- Make sure default variable price is honored
Version 2.4.6 — April 11, 2016
- Fix: Resolved urgent issue with customers from before version 2.4 sometimes getting their Stripe ID mixed up with other Stripe customers.
- Fix: File downloads not permitted on renewal payments.
Version 2.4.5 — April 6, 2016
- Fix: Renewal payments not increasing customer’s purchase value
- Fix: Upgrade routine notice being shown on new installs after creating recurring product
- Fix: Translation type for shortcode-subscriptions.php
- Fix: Renewal payments not being associated with customer record
- Fix: Remove usage of deprecated _edd_recurring_status usermeta
- Fix: Stripe – Properly catch ZIP/Postal Validation errors
- Fix: Stripe – Properly catch unsupported card errors
- Fix: Cancelled subscriptions past expiration considered ‘active’
- Fix: Recounting customer stats in EDD removed renewal payments from customer record
Version 1.1.2 — April 5, 2016
- Fix: Compatibility issue with EDD Recurring Payments
- Fix: Various typos
- Fix: Redirects weren’t able to be deleted since the v1.1.1 update
Version 2.4.4 — April 1, 2016
- Fix: add_payment() method can add incorrect products to renewal payment record
- Fix: Erroneous renewal payments recorded sometimes during initial signup
- Fix: Undefined variable $payment_id
- Fix: Amounts not rounded in PayPal, sometimes resulting in purchase being rejected
- Fix: When purchase is declined in PayPal Express, redirect back to PayPal
- Fix: PayPal Express subscriptions cannot be cancelled from inside the WP admin
- Fix: Go Back link goes to incorrect page when editing email notices
- Fix: Notice when updating payment method for Stripe subscription includes inactive subscriptions
- Tweak: Added status parameter to /subscriptions endpoint of REST API
- Tweak: Change “Edit” to “Cancel” when editing subscription values
- Tweak: Subscription profile IDs now linked to details page in mechant
Version 1.0.2 — March 25, 2016
- User capability checks added to AJAX actions
Version 1.4.5 — March 24, 2016
- Added: composer file.
- Fixed: tax issue with EDD where discounts are miscalculated when product prices include tax.
- Tweaked: Don’t count free products toward cart quantity discounts.
Version 2.4.2 — March 24, 2016
- Fix: esc_js on fields for Stripe Checkout
Version 2.4.3 — March 23, 2016
- New: PayPal Express now allows multiple subscriptions per-checkout
- Fix: Install routine not running
- Fix: Failing subscriptions being marked as expired when being viewed
- Fix: Stripe token used multiple times error
- Fix: Currency for subscription always uses initial payment currency
- Fix: PayPal Pro not always capturing initial payments
Version 2.0.3 — March 23, 2016
- Fixed: The grabbing of meta (errors were showing upon “Checkout Fields Manager datepicker field schema” update).
Version 1.1.0 — March 22, 2016
- Fix: Apostrophes not displaying correctly in email subject
- New: edd_ppe_capability_type filter to specify which capability can manage the emails
- New: {license_key} email tag
Version 2.4.1 — March 18, 2016
- Fix: Media files not loading on non-download post type edit screens
Version 2.4.2 — March 15, 2016
- Fix: Stripe customer ID for one-time purchases set during subscription purchase
- Fix: Upgrading license key between products does not create a subscription
- Fix: Customers cannot restrict content in Content Restriction extension if restricted to multiple subscriptions
- Fix: Fatal error during upgrade routine if customer record is deleted in Stripe
- Fix: Replace soon-to-be deprecated edd_get_success_page_url() with edd_get_success_page_uri()
- Fix: Some signups erroneously marked as Failed in PayPal Express
- Fix: Subscriptions with failing payment methods cannot have their payment method updated
- Fix: Incorrect HTTP version in PayPal Pro API request
- Fix: Subscriptions not cancelled in PayPal Standard when clicking Cancel Subscription
- Fix: Subscription value not properly reflecting refunded payments
- Tweak: Gateways now instantiated with global variable so they can be easily interacted with
- Tweak: Recurring customer IDs now displayed on customer details page
Version 2.0.2 — March 15, 2016
- Fixed: upgrade issue from 1.x to 2.0 branch.
- Fixes: PHP7 compatibility.
Version 1.5.0 — March 15, 2016
- Fix buy now button
- Fix display of default price, if set to EDD
- Fix display of button text
- Tweak markup to be consistent with EDD
Version 2.4.0 — March 14, 2016
- New: Moved to EDD Settings from Redux
- New: Added submenu for settings in FES that redirects to EDD settings tab for FES
- New: Added filter to change content of login shortcode when user is logged in
- New: PHP7 compatibility
- New: Detect lack of imagick or gd and show notice
- Tweak: Username field can no longer appear on the profile form
- Tweak: FES will no longer set default commission rates, just turn it on
- Tweak: Removed
- in password repeat label
- Fix: Can’t uncheck “Enable image upload in post area” setting
- Fix: Custom registration fields don’t show up in admin email notification
- Fix: Empty class (attribute) output on vendor dashboard menu items
- Fix: Submission fields don’t get saved in admin unless all required fields are filled out
- Fix: Taxonomy Field Error when no taxonomies are present
- Fix: Undefined variable on the post transition filter
- Fix: Deprecated notice for “like_escape()”
- Fix: Submission form Categories & Tags fields did not output Text Input terms
- Fix: Undefined variable: selected in Vendor Metabox
- Fix: EDD CSS being Output with [fes_login_registration_form] even when CSS setting turned off
- Fix: Bug in opt-in tracking class
- Fix: Typo in name of formatted_data() filter
- Fix: l10n un-translated “Order #” string
Version 3.2.10 — March 5, 2016
- Fix: Commissions menu not displaying in admin.
Version 3.2.9 — March 4, 2016
- Fix: Shipping fees not respected when paying commissions through PayPal Adaptive Payments.
- Fix: 100% commission rates do not work through PayPal Adaptive Payments.