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Frontend Submissions Changelog

Version 2.8.2 — June 11, 2024

  • New: Updated to work with EDD email management.
  • Admin: Remove unneeded CSS styles.
  • Reports: Improved graphing support for the main vendors report.
  • Forms: Improve form validation.
  • Dev: Updated for PHP 8 compatibility.

Version 2.8.1 — June 27, 2023

  • Improvement: Vendor caching has been improved to ensure that cached values are cleared whenever a vendor object changes.
  • Fix: Custom data was not saved for existing users who submitted vendor applications.
  • Fix: In some cases, vendors were unable to upload files to their products.
  • Dev: The build scripts have been updated.

Version 2.8.0 — May 3, 2023

  • Improvement: The vendor dashboard orders screen now queries order objects directly.
  • Improvement: The admin customers export for an individual vendor has been updated for improved performance with large numbers of orders/customers.
  • Improvement: Script and asset loading has been refactored to load only the necessary scripts for the current view.
  • Fix: The email tags could have an undefined variable.
  • Fix: Sites using Multi Currency show the vendor product form in the store’s base currency.
  • Fix: When deleting a vendor, the “Vendor Revoked” email will now be sent to the vendor if it’s enabled.
  • Fix: The “Reject” action was not available for products.
  • Fix: The form build help text now correctly supports HTML tags.
  • Fix: Querying for FES vendors in the block editor could cause a PHP notice.
  • Fix: The dashboard product list did not work correctly with multiple pages.
  • Fix: The “Add Media” option did not always work with the description field.
  • Fix: The {fullname} email tag could display only the first name, depending on the user’s profile.
  • Fix: The vendor bio did not support paragraphs.
  • Fix: Trashing a download using bulk actions did not properly send the “Submission Denied” email to the vendor.
  • Fix: The datepicker was not styled.
  • Templates: The frontend-orders template has been updated to use the order object instead of the ID to improve database performance. Users with customized templates should review and update.
  • Dev: Support for adding custom fields for the FES form builder prior to FES 2.3 has been removed.
  • Dev: Licensing and dependency management has been updated.
  • Dev: Querying for a vendor now supports WordPress caching to improve performance.
  • Dev: The checkbox field has been updated for PHP 8 compatibility.
  • Dev: Session management has been refined to run only when FES needs it.
  • Dev: The minimum WordPress version is now 5.4; the minimum PHP version is 7.1; the minimum EDD version is

Version 2.7.2 — July 22, 2022

  • New: A vendor email tag was added for FES emails.
  • Update: Sending the new vendor submission email from the admin now uses the new emails class.
  • Update: Language around ‘Revoking’ a Vendor was adjusted to be ‘Delete’ and the workflow has been improved.
  • Fix: Unable to select vendors when editing a download in the block editor.
  • Fix: FES should not run escape functions when getting the product title.
  • Fix: Vendor search was not working.
  • Fix: A PHP notice was showing on the Vendor > Orders Page.
  • Fix: EDD 3.0 – A fatal error could show when viewing the vendor reports page in admin.
  • Fix: EDD 3.0 – The settings header was not showing correctly.
  • Fix: Fields not marked as public could show on the download.
  • Fix: There was an undefined notice when saving the Terms & Conditions field.
  • Fix: There was a fatal error when adding a checkbox field in PHP 8.
  • Fix: Multiple pricing field validation was only running if the field was required.
  • Fix: The “Enable Image Insertion” checkbox could not be unchecked in the form builder for the excerpt field.
  • Dev: A new filter was added to support more post statuses.

Version 2.7.1 — March 9, 2022

  • Fix: Corrected a mismatched legend element in the form builder.
  • Fix: Fixed PHP compatibility issue with versions lower than 7.3.
  • Fix: Fixed multiple undefined variable references in the field classes.
  • Dev: Removed the .github folder from the build assets.

Version 2.7.0 — March 8, 2022

  • New: FES emails have an entirely new editor experience–look under Downloads > Settings > Emails > FES.
  • Improvement: The FES form builder UI has been simplified and modernized.
  • Improvement: The FES form builder fields are more accessible.
  • Improvement: The FES admin menu has been merged under the Easy Digital Downloads menu.
  • Improvement: The FES multiple pricing field now uses the same default variable pricing IDs as EDD core.
  • Improvement: Button styles on the vendor dashboard have been made more consistent.
  • Improvement: The description for the meta key field in the form builder has been improved.
  • Improvement: Vendors who have WordPress roles which should grant them access to the Dashboard can now do so.
  • Improvement: The username field has been removed from the vendor profile in the admin, since it cannot be changed.
  • Change: The FES vendor dashboard icons now use an icon font (Dashicons).
  • Change: FES tools are now under Downloads > Tools.
  • Change: The vendor current year sales/earnings report has been updated to use more efficient database queries and a more modern graphing tool.
  • Fix: The section break field no longer outputs empty HTML elements.
  • Fix: Fields marked as required now use HTML5 markup.
  • Fix: When viewing vendor reports, an undefined variable was referenced.
  • Fix: The vendor products in the admin are now paginated, instead of all showing.
  • Fix: Vendor commission pagination in the admin now works correctly.
  • Fix: Updating a vendor without automatic approval enabled threw a PHP notice.
  • Dev: The fes_get_sales_by_date and fes_get_earnings_by_date functions have been updated for EDD 3.0 compatibility.
  • Dev: Helper functions for getting the current user ID and checking whether a field is readonly have been created.
  • Dev: The FES integrations property is now declared explicitly.
  • Dev: Update how licensing is instantiated.
  • Dev: Refactor how the plugin is loaded and checks for requirements.

Version 2.6.9 — November 2, 2021

  • Improvement: Vendor dashboard now displays dates in the format specified in General Settings.
  • Fix: FES was unintentionally removing some columns from the admin “Downloads” table.
  • Fix: reCAPTCHA validation error when submitting a form, missing a required field, then re-submitting.
  • Fix: “Settings” admin menu item didn’t include the download post type, which caused style inconsistencies.
  • Fix: Undefined array key warnings.

Version 2.6.8 — August 11, 2021

  • Improvement: The Tools page has been updated for improved accessibility and UX.
  • Fix: Repeat registration field triggering count() errors.
  • Fix: FES interfering with EDD core tooltip styling, making them semi transparent and unreadable.

Version 2.6.7 — July 19, 2021

  • New: Added edd_fes_allow_numeric_usernames filter, which allows you to change whether or not numeric usernames are permitted by vendors.
  • Improvement: Show warning if active theme doesn’t support post formats when adding this field to the form builder.
  • Fix: Vendor earnings incorrect when using quantities.
  • Fix: Wrong date/time shown in vendor dashboard orders.
  • Fix: Undefined property error when saving/submitting submission form.
  • Fix: “Add File” button missing when adding multiple files to a product.
  • Fix: Vendor files not being uploaded to protected EDD directory.
  • EDD 3.0: Update vendor reports.

Version 2.6.6 — March 30, 2021

  • New: Introduced fes_get_vendor_url filter on the vendor profile URL. This allows the URLs to be customized.
  • Improvement: Disallow entirely numeric vendor usernames. This is because they conflict with vendor profile URLs.
  • Fix: Potential memory issues when updating vendor email when the user account is updated. (FES_DB_Vendors->update_vendor_email_on_user_update())
  • Fix: “Rows” setting not honored by rich textareas.
  • Fix: Undefined index errors.
  • Fix: Number fields that are marked as required were not being treated as such.
  • Fix: Infinite loop when viewing vendor shop profile while using Vendd theme.
  • Fix: Deprecation notices in PHP 8.
  • Fix: User bio field didn’t have an option to switch to the “Rich textarea”.
  • Tweak: Update plugin author name to Sandhills Development, LLC.
  • Dev: EDD 3.0 compatibility.
  • Dev: Correct EDD_Front_End_Submissions::$helper docblock.

Version 2.6.5 — October 16, 2019

  • Fix: PayPal Email field from Commissions extension does not show on form builder

Version 2.6.4 — October 4, 2019

  • Fix: Honeypot field does not render on frontend

Version 2.6.3 — November 5, 2018

  • Fix: Missing arguments in usage of the_category filter
  • Fix: reCaptcha validation causes contact form to show error when API keys are not entered
  • Fix: Custom download product columns overwritten when FES is active

Version 2.6.2 — April 19, 2018

  • Fix: unnecessary information displaying in EDD System Info output

Version 2.6.1 — February 21, 2018

  • Fix: CSS and JS resources not loading in admin after removal of Welcome page.

Version 2.6 — February 21, 2018

  • New: Telephone field type now supported
  • New: Number field type now supported
  • New: Option to “Delete Vendor Data” has been added to the vendor delete screen
  • New: Action hooks have been added before and after the submission form submit button
  • New: Automatic submission approval can now be enabled on individual vendor accounts
  • Tweak: Action icons have been removed from the Downloads list table
  • Tweak: Lost Password link repositioned
  • Tweak: Logout changed to Log Out
  • Tweak: Log Out link is now forced to the end of the menu links
  • Tweak: Columns setting has been removed from the Textarea field
  • Tweak: Welcome screen and redirect on plugin activation has been removed

Version 2.5.11 — January 16, 2018

  • Fix: Duplicate filter name for form legends
  • Fix: Incorrect use of plural “Vendors” when it should be singular
  • Tweak: Removed file download link in admin as files are inaccessible
  • Tweak: Deleted products now get placed in the trash

Version 2.5.10 — January 2, 2018

  • Fix: Label for URL field on Profile form not saving properly

Version 2.5.9 — October 24, 2017

  • Fix: Compatibility with Commissions 3.4 and above
  • Fix: Vendor page didn’t work on initial install without permalinks being updated first
  • Fix: Unable to delete existing vendor address details
  • Fix: Label for the URL field was not saving

Version 2.5.8 — October 2, 2017

  • Fix: Vendor application emails sent even when disabled
  • Fix: New submission email uses admin email content instead of vendor email content
  • Fix: Commissions not automatically enabled on new submissions
  • Fix: Remove avatar link does not work in some themes