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Wish Lists Changelog

Version 1.2.3 — June 6, 2024

  • Fixes an issue preventing users from being able to delete items from their wish list.

Version 1.2.2 — May 23, 2024

  • New: Updated Wish List Admin pages to match EDD Admin pages.
  • Improvement: Added multiple improvements to the validation of managing Wish Lists for guests and logged-in users.

Version 1.2.1 — April 29, 2024

  • Improvement: Guest wish list creation now defaults to false.
  • Change: Guest users may no longer delete their wish lists.
  • Fix: Validation around deleting a wish list has been improved.

Version 1.2.0 — January 8, 2024

  • Compatibility: Minimum requirements updated – PHP 7.1+ WordPress 5.4+, EDD 3.1.1+.
  • Compatibility: Added PHP 8.2 support.
  • Performance: Viewing a wish list is significantly faster due to improved database querying.
  • Sharing: Sending a wish list by email works again.
  • Setup: Installing/activating Wish Lists has been improved to prevent multiple checks and the creation of duplicated pages.

Version 1.1.10 — April 6, 2023

  • Fix: The modal script was not properly enqueued when attempting to delete a wish list.

Version 1.1.9 — February 9, 2023

  • Fixed: The necessary scripts may not have loaded when viewing a wish list template.

Version 1.1.8 — November 30, 2022

  • Improved: Updated to improve compatibility with caching.
  • Improved: Updated the Facebook button to be a Share instead of a Like.
  • Fix: Wish List buttons only worked on single product views.
  • Fix: Deprecation notice was being thrown on PHP 8.
  • Fix: Corrected alignment issues with the Tweet button.
  • Fix: It was possible for a theme to override Wish List modal CSS, preventing the ability to add an item to a Wish List.
  • Fix: Removed Google+ from the social networks.
  • Dev: Updating the license activation for more stability and compatibility with EDD Core.

Version 1.1.7 — July 17, 2017

  • Fix: “Remove” icon not showing for each download on individual wish list pages

Version 1.1.6 — June 18, 2017

  • Fix: PHP fatal error on PHP 7.1.1
  • Fix: Wish List buttons do not work on Download taxonomy pages
  • Fix: Missing close button icons

Version 1.1.5 — May 31, 2017

  • Fix: Non-numeric warning message on PHP 7.1.3

Version 1.1.4 — February 14, 2017

  • Tweak: Modified CSS selectors so there’s a lesser chance of conflicts
  • Tweak: Added edd_wl_query_args filter hook

Version 1.1.3 — August 12, 2016

  • Tweak: ensure Wish List post type does not display in menu builder

Version 1.1.2 — January 2, 2016

  • Fix: Variable-priced downloads were sometimes added twice to a wish list when another EDD purchase form existed on the same page
  • Fix: Replaced deprecated post_permalink() function with get_permalink()
  • Fix: Empty paragraph tag on the wish-list-view.php template when there no wish list description
  • Tweak: Prevented “Add to wishlist” buttons from appearing on the EDD checkout page where extensions such as Cross-sell/Upsell & Recommended Products add “add to cart” buttons.
  • Tweak: Replaced a soon to be deprecated WordPress function
  • New: The quantity field (if enabled in EDD) is now shown on add to cart buttons
  • New: Headings in template files now have a edd-wl-heading CSS class for easier styling
  • New: Wrapped the view template with a edd-wl-view CSS class for easier styling
  • New: Wrapped the edit template with a edd-wl-edit CSS class for easier styling
  • New: Wrapped the create template with a edd-wl-create CSS class for easier styling
  • New: Wrapped the main wish lists template with a edd-wl-wish-lists CSS class for easier styling
  • New: Added a edd_wl_disable_on_checkout filter for adding “Add to wishlist” buttons back to the checkout if desired (see Tweak note above)

Version 1.1.1 — April 20, 2015

  • Fix: XSS vulnerability in query args

Version 1.1.0 — March 10, 2015

  • Fix: Some plugins which flushed rewrite rules on activation interfered with Wish Lists’ rewrite rules
  • Fix: When sharing a wish list via Facebook, the correct URL is now shared
  • Fix: Issue with sharing URL disappearing from single wish list page when Shortlinks were enabled in Jetpack
  • Tweak: Various opengraph improvements
  • If you have made modifications to the wish-list-view.php template, make sure edd_wl_wish_list_item_purchase() is renamed to edd_wl_item_purchase()

Version 1.0.9 — February 10, 2015

  • Fix: Cart quantities in some themes were being updated when a download was added to a wish list.
  • Fix: When EDD was deactivated and reactivated the wish list page was not viewable until either the EDD settings were saved or Wish Lists was deactivated and reactivated.
  • Tweak: Leaving “Enable Ajax” unchecked in downloads -> settings -> misc no longer affects Wish Lists. Ajax is always required for Wish Lists so now works regardless of this setting.

Version 1.0.8 — January 5, 2015

  • Tweak: Improved edd_wl_get_list_id() and edd_wl_get_wish_list() functions
  • Tweak: Modified wish-list-edit.php and wish-list-view.php templates based on the changes above

Version 1.0.7 — January 1, 2015

  • Fix: LinkedIn issue when loading over https
  • Tweak: When removing an item from a wish list, it now searches for the closest element with a CSS class of “row”. This means you can structure your HTML how you want and only need to apply the row class to the wrapper that should be removed.
  • Tweak: Removed html { overflow-y: inherit; } CSS rule
  • Tweak: New activation class
  • Tweak: Changed the “edit” and “view” query vars to “wl_edit” and “wl_view”. This was to avoid potential conflicts with other plugins using the same names. If you have modified the wish-list-edit.php template make sure to change line 6 from get_post( get_query_var('edit') ) to get_post( edd_wl_get_wish_list() );

Version 1.0.6 — May 7, 2014

  • Fix: Compatibility with EDD v1.9.9
  • Fix: Modified a redirect action so it doesn’t conflict with other plugin redirects
  • Fix: Added a default value for the $id in the edd_wl_the_title() function.

Version 1.0.5 — March 21, 2014

  • Fix: shortcodes weren’t showing on page templates when Wish Lists plugin was active