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Frontend Submissions Changelog

Version — September 21, 2014

  • Fix: Featured Images can’t be saved on Download products

Version — September 18, 2014

  • Fix: On removing a featured image, the image box still thought it had an image in it
  • Fix: Can’t remove featured image in certain cases
  • Fix: Welcome screen CSS loaded on all admin pages
  • Fix: Meta_value doesn’t save in admin for hidden fields.
  • Fix: Customers can’t see receipts

Version — September 14, 2014

  • Fix: Recaptcha when used over SSL
  • Fix: Incorrect post meta key that caused the profile form import to fail
  • Fix: Incorrect called to edd_get_option() that caused the profile form short code to fail
  • Tweak: Added the “style” tag to the whitelist for HTML attributes
  • New: Introduced the fes_application_pending_message filter

Version — August 28, 2014

  • Fix: Media upload error for vendors

Version — August 27, 2014

  • Fix: Email tags for categories and tags
  • Fix: Pagination on vendor stores
  • Fix: Some headers that could not be translated
  • Fix: Prevent errors from being displayed if attempting to view the store for a non-existent vendor
  • Fix: Prevent vendors from viewing items on receipts that don’t belong to them (EDD 2.1+ only)
  • Fix: Incorrect vendor slug during install

Version — August 12, 2014

  • Tweak: Allow plain image names in the file upload fields instead of just full URLs
  • Fix: Missing icon on the Earnings tab

Version — July 28, 2014

  • Fix: Avatar fields weren’t saving properly when the image was removed
  • New: Added new action hooks to the registration and contact form processing
  • Tweak: Added support for H6 tags in the HTML tag whitelist

Version — July 15, 2014

  • Fix: Accept Terms field didn’t render on the profile form
  • Fix: The Captcha field didn’t render on the vendor contact form

Version — July 10, 2014

  • Fix: Images not getting attached to the download when uploaded from the submission form

Version — July 2, 2014

  • Fix: Emails not getting sent from the vendor contact form

Version 2.2.9 — July 2, 2014

  • Fix: Submitting the vendor contact form leads to a 404 error
  • Fix: Vendor emails when an application is automatically approved don’t get sent
  • Fix: File URLs don’t save when prices and names are disabled
  • Fix: Manually modified commission rates get wiped out when a product is updated
  • Fix: File upload field repeats numerous times when a meta_key is not supplied
  • Fix: Short codes improperly echoing content instead of returning it

Version 2.2.8 — June 26, 2014

  • Fix: Infinite loop during post save that resulted in thousands of duplicate products on a small number of sites

Version 2.2.7 — June 25, 2014

  • Fix: Application and Profile forms cannot be updated from the admin
  • Fix: Pagination in the Vendors admin table doesn’t function
  • Fix: Scheduled products are not visible in the Vendor Dashboard
  • Fix: Bug with last price option being able to be removed
  • Fix: Poor I18N of the Registration submit button text
  • Fix: Application form in the admin showed incorrect user’s information
  • Fix: Missing rewrite rule that caused the Vendor page to 404 with the Marketify theme
  • Fix: Disabling the toolbar for Vendors didn’t function properly

Version 2.2.6 — June 20, 2014

  • Fix: Preset price option names / amounts don’t save when changing the descriptions or amounts is disabled
  • Fix: Application Received emails are not sent
  • Fix: Biography field does not save during registration
  • Fix: Vendor store URL on dashboard does not respect custom vendor permalinks

Version 2.2.5 — June 16, 2014

  • Fix: Number of products wrong on the Vendor Edit screen
  • Fix: Headers already sent error when clicking on “Approve” for a pending vendor
  • Fix: Application status emails not sent
  • Fix: The Add File button shouldn’t show when files are limited to one
  • Fix: Vendor personal details not saved on registration
  • Fix: is_pending() method doesn’t properly detect vendors that have multiple roles
  • Fix: Product sorting links in Vendor Dashboard don’t work
  • Fix: Number of products in Vendors list incorrect
  • Fix: Editing a pending product publishes it
  • Fix: Allow file URLs that start with “file:” to pass validation
  • Fix: Undefined index for placeholder attribute on vendor profile form
  • Fix: Tags not properly stripped from post excerpt
  • Fix: Vendor contact form sometimes pre-populated site admin details
  • Fix: Vendor permalinks don’t respect custom slugs for pretty permalinks
  • Tweak: Added a CSS classname option to the Section Break and Accept Terms field types
  • Tweak: Improved the loading indicator when adding a new field to a form editor

Version 2.2.4 — June 7, 2014

  • Fix: Emails have no formatting and lose all line breaks
  • Fix: Vendor name / email lost when replying to comments from the dashboard
  • Fix: Non-required profile fields cannot be left empty after a value has been saved
  • Fix: “Name of Store” profile field doesn’t save updates
  • Fix: Pagination on Vendor store pages fails
  • Fix: Non-required checkbox fields with a single value cannot be unset

Version 2.2.3 — June 5, 2014

  • New: Faster loading time with 58 less database calls in in the backend and 22 less calls on the frontend by stopping FES_Setup from being called twice and moving instantiation of roles from FES_Setup to FES_Install
  • New: FES Tools on the form import/export page offers a 1 click solution to remove any extraneous fes-forms
  • New: FES import/export forms page has been redesigned
  • New: FES forms can now be reset to defaults on the import/export forms page
  • New: Don’t show “add file” if disabled
  • Tweak: Combo registration & login view on vendor dashboard has been given a rework to allow it to show one form at full width if the other form isn’t applicable. Now more intelligently detects if a person is already a vendor.
  • Fix: Form import/export process fixed
  • Fix: Contact form first and last name fields sometimes disabled
  • Fix: Username field sometimes disabled on the registration form
  • Fix: Admin bar doesn’t show for admins if hide admin bar feature turned off
  • Fix: Vendor URL for dashboard sometimes off when author archive pages enabled
  • Fix: Email tags for post-categories and post-tags re-added (accidentally removed in 2.2)
  • Fix: Removed jQuery Validate (no longer being used)

Version — May 22, 2014

  • Fix: bug with retrieving the vendor store URL from the dashboard
  • Fix: bug with registration form showing incorrect fields for logged-in users

Version 2.2.2 — May 22, 2014

  • Fix: bug with vendor URLs not resolving properly
  • Fix: paragraph text loses formatting after submission
  • Fix: error message about not being able to create a user with an empty user name
  • Fix: access denied error when viewing a vendor
  • Fix: profile password error message
  • Fix: vendor Announcement area doesn’t allow short codes
  • Fix: form importer / exports broken
  • New: added a Country field to the Profile form editor
  • Tweak: use the manage_shop_settings capability instead of manage_options
  • Tweak: vendor contact details are now pre-filled

Version 2.2.1 — May 11, 2014

  • Fix: Fatal error with member function and Marketify

Read our latest blog post:
How to Use Smart Tags in Email Marketing