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Easy Digital Downloads Documentation
Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Easy Digital Downloads

Customizing the Purchase History Template

The purchase history is shown on any page with the [purchase_history] shortcode. It will show the ID, the date, and the amount of each purchase the current user has made. It will also display download links for each file associated with the product’s purchase. The exact layout and display of these elements can be easily modified through a template file placed inside of your theme.

The template file used to display the purchase history is located in 
wp-content/plugins/easy-digital-downloads/templates/history-purchases.php. To modify it, do two things:

  1. Create a folder called edd_templates inside of your currently active theme’s directory.
  2. Copy history-purchases.php to the new folder created in 1.

Once you have created the 
edd_templates directory and copied the file over, you can make any change you wish to the file and your changes will be reflected in the [purchase_history] shortcode.

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