WordPress Blocks for Easy Digital Downloads
EDD Blocks are available in WordPress pages when using the block editor. They are intended to be a simple and improved alternative to their equivalent shortcode. Blocks are available to users running EDD 3.1 and WordPress 5.8 or higher.
Note: EDD pages that require a shortcode can use the equivalent block in place of the shortcode. Not all shortcodes have block equivalents.
EDD Buy Button
The EDD Buy Button is a simple block and adds a single purchase button for a specific download (will show price options for a variable download). It can be used anywhere.
EDD Cart (Widget)
The EDD Cart is intended to be used in the WordPress widgets, but can be used anywhere blocks are supported. The block can display as a mini cart (showing just quantity/total) or a detailed cart which resembles the cart on the checkout page.
Block Settings:
Mini Cart will present a cart icon, number of items and total. When disabled, a ful cart will be presented, listing added products and amounts.
Hide When Empty will hide this block if no items have been added to the cart.
Hide on Checkout will hide the block when visiting the checkout page.
Link Cart to Checkout will add a link to your checkout page.
Show Number of Items in Cart will present the number of items added to cart.
Show Cart Total will present the total cost of items in cart.
EDD Checkout
The checkout block is intended to be used on the Checkout page in place of the [download_checkout] shortcode. This has improved design over the shortcode and is aware if the user is logged in.
EDD Confirmation
This block is very similar to the receipt block but should not be used in its place, as it does not include details from subscription information, for example. This is an updated version of [edd_receipt]
but only used on the order confirmation page. It cannot be used on the order receipt page (use the EDD Receipt block instead).
EDD Login
The EDD Login block allows you to add a login form to any page.
EDD Order History
The Order History block displays the purchase history which is intended to be used on a customer account page.
EDD User Downloads
The User Downloads block displays a list of files available to the customer for download. This block replaces the [download_history]
shortcode. Available block settings:
Show a Search Form: When enabled, a search form will appear at the top of the block. This feature is only available for Easy Digital Downloads (Pro) users.
Show Product Variation: If your product variations have access to the same file(s), you may want to hide this.
Hide Products With No File: When enabled, products with no files will not appear in the list.

EDD Products
The EDD Products block displays your product(s) with rows and columns. It is a replacement for the [downloads]
shortcode. There are a number of block settings available to customize how your products are laid out.
EDD Receipt
The receipt block is a detailed receipt and the order is similar to the shortcode, although all markup has been redone for improved responsiveness. It’s intended to be used on the “Receipt Page” (previously “Success Page”).
When viewing the receipt block as a user who is not logged in, you should experience one of two flows:
- If the purchase does not have a user ID associated (it’s a guest purchase), you can enter the purchaser’s email address to confirm the order and can view all details.
- If the purchase does have a user ID associated with it then you will get a login form.
EDD Registration
The EDD Registration block presents a WordPress user registration form.
EDD Download Terms (Categories / Tags)
The EDD Terms block displays download categories or tags. Visitors can click the Category / Tag name and view products within that term.