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Easy Digital Downloads Documentation
Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Easy Digital Downloads

Reviews – Widgets

Reviews comes with three widgets, allowing you to showcase a specific review, show recent reviews from across the store, and show recent reviews for a single product.

EDD Featured Review

This widget allows you to select a single review from any Download and show it in a widget. Here’s a screenshot of the admin interface:

The output includes the widget title, review title, reviewer name, product title, review full text, and the date of the review.

EDD Reviews

This widget renders recent reviews.  You may provide a number to limit how many reviews display. Admin screenshot:

The output lists the name of the reviewer and a link to the the download.

EDD Per Product Reviews

This widget is similar to EDD Reviews but only renders reviews for a single Download, and only shows on the page for that Download. Admin interface:

The output shows all reviews for the Download (or the number you chose, if you entered one) and contains the number of stars in the review, the title of the review, and the name of the reviewer.