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Easy Digital Downloads Documentation
Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for Easy Digital Downloads

Show purchase buttons in template files with edd_get_purchase_link()

You can manually display a purchase link for any product by using the 
edd_get_purchase_link() function. This will output the purchase options for the specified product.

In its simplest form, the function can be used like this:

echo edd_get_purchase_link( array( 'download_id' => 37 ) );

If the specified product has 
variable prices enabled, the price options will be displayed above the purchase button.

The function takes a number of possible arguments:

  • download_id – The ID number of the product to show a purchase link for
  • price – TRUE/FALSE whether or not to show the price on the button
  • direct – TRUE/FALSE whether to create a “Buy Now” button or an “Add to Cart” button. Set to TRUE for a buy now behavior
  • text – The text to show on the button
  • style – button/plain the style of link to show
  • color – The color of the button to show
  • class – Custom class to add to the button wrapper element