Conditional Success Redirects allows you to easily send a purchaser to any given page on your site after the sale is completed. This is particularly useful for referring someone to a related product, or perhaps to documentation, or CD liner notes etc.
After you install the plugin a new navigation item will appear at the bottom of your EDD Downloads admin menu (Downloads→Conditional Success Redirects). Clicking it will take you to an admin archive page like the one below.
Adding New Conditional Success Redirect
Below is the “Add New” page. You simply choose the product you wish to apply this to, and then the page you want to send the purchaser then click “Add Redirect”.
Editing a Conditional Success Redirect
Once a Conditional Success Redirect exists you can edit it, as well as set it to Active or Inactive, as shown below.
Important Note
You may only have one Conditional Success Redirect for a given product. If one already exists you won’t even see that product as available on the Add New page. If you’re trying to add a new one, and your product isn’t available, a Conditional Success Redirect probably already exists for it, and you should look at the admin archive page.
Here’s a short video demonstrating how the plugin works: