Frontend Submissions – Shortcodes
Frontend Submissions includes several shortcodes for displaying the submission forms, vendor dashboard, profile form, and more.
[fes_vendor_dashboard] – This will display the main Vendor dashboard.
[fes_submission_form] – This will display the Vendor product submission form.
[fes_profile_form] – This will display the Vendor’s profile form.
[fes_login_form] – This will display a login form for Vendors
[fes_registration_form] – This will display a registration form for new Vendors.
[fes_login_registration_form] – This will display both the vendor registration and login form together.
[fes_vendor_contact_form] – This will display a contact form for the currently viewed vendor. A contact form for a specific vendor can be displayed with [fes_vendor_contact_form id=”32″] where 32 is the ID number of the vendor.