We can make this simpler:
Gain access to ALL extensions with a single purchase!Add functionality with extensions
Use extensions built specifically for EDD to customize the functionality of your online business.
Impress customers with attractive invoices and increase loyalty through easy access to purchase information.
Accept credit cards in EDD using Braintree Payments.
Accept payments through the internationally friendly 2Checkout (Verifone) payment system.
Easily add a credit and deposit system to your store.
Advanced sequential order number options.
Create advanced earnings and sales reports
Automatically apply discount codes based on cart contents. You can also reward customer loyalty by only allowing previous customers to be eligible for the automatic discounts.
Serve download files from GitHub or BitBucket.
Offer free downloads to valid license holders
Show recommended products based on other customer purchases.
Gather "how did you hear about us" information during checkout.
Create powerful purchase forms for any product through Gravity Forms
Increase your sales by showing customers the items they've recently viewed.
Give special discounts to buyers that share your products on social networks.
Protect your store against fraudulent purchases
Tracks Google campaign data and associates EDD orders with campaign data.
Easily create product comparison tables and display them anywhere on your site.
Receive a comprehensive sales performance report once a day, delivered straight to your inbox.
Automatically send emails based on pre-defined conditions.
Adds support for additional shortcodes to show or hide content based on certain conditions.
Configure payments gateways on a per-download basis.
Accept hand written check payments for digital download purchases.
Add and display extra download images to products.
A plugin for Easy Digital Downloads so you can easily feature your downloads