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Easy Digital Downloads Blog
WordPress Tutorials, Tips, and Resources to Help Grow Your Business

It is Summer time here in the US and time to announce the release of several more extensions that can take your digital store to the next level.

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Today we are thrilled to welcome Sean Davis as the newest member our support team. Sean has been an active member o the Easy Digital Downloads community for quite sometime now with numerous contributions to the EDD code base, the EDD theme library, and more. Along with Sean’s active contributions to the Easy Digital Downloads

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Today we are thrilled to announce that Easy Digital Downloads version 2.0 is now available for download and install from your WordPress admin. The mantra for version 2.0 was refinement. Over the last six months, we have spent countless hours working to improve not only major features of the plugin but also the little details. When building

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Today I am thrilled to announce the long-awaited update to our Simple Shipping extension that adds support for the popular Frontend Submissions extension.

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Version 2.0 of Easy Digital Downloads has been in development for more than six months and is finally approaching its final release date. Today we’re happy to announce that the first beta version of 2.0 is ready for testers to start playing with. Unlike some of our major releases in the past, EDD 2.0 has

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Easy Digital Downloads version 1.9.9 has just been released to the world. This release has been in the works for two months and includes a large number of small improvements and minor bug fixes. 1.9.9 includes several new action hooks and filters that will be useful for developers, including edd_get_variable_prices, edd_is_success_page, and several others. For users, one

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