- New: Added a “Sync with License” option for better integration with Software Licensing
- New: Added a tool to the customer profile to regenerate their All Access Passes
- New: Added a filter to provide option to hide file-level download options
- New: Improved code markup and formatting
- New: Changed all references of EDD_Payment to edd_get_payment function
- New: Scripts are now built using webpack
- New: Moved priority of main plugins_loaded hook to 20 in preparation for EDD 3.0
- Fix: While editing a pass, “Are you sure” showed when it shouldn’t
- Fix: Made sure schema data for search engines is correct for purchase form
- Fix: If “Limit File Downloads” was enabled in Recurring Payments, valid AA downloads were prevented
- Fix: Migrations from RCP stopped after 1 step
- Fix: All dates are now saved in UTC instead of website’s timezone
- Fix: Prevent AA passes from expiring if recurring subscription’s product changes
- Fix: Set the file id being downloaded based on the price ID being downloaded
- Fix: Made the price_id attribute work for the edd_all_access shortcode
- Fix: Made sure the edd_purchase_link_top hook is present in AA purchase form
- Fix: Content Restriction Integration: Made restricting a page to “All Prices” in Content Restriction work for AA prices
- Fix: Content Restriction Integration: Made edd_restrict shortcode consider AA passes
- Fix: Software Licensing Integration: Added better handling for invalid license keys
- Fix: Cart error for ‘never expires’ was being cleared when it shouldn’t
- Fix: Made expiration of AA based on start time of All Access, not start time of payment/order
- Fix: Software Licensing Integration: Made AA passes sync with Licenses instead of Recurring
- Fix: Recurring Payments Integration: Allow early renewals even if subscription exists
- Fix: All unneeded cache clears have been removed
- Fix: Lifetime licenses were causing invalid AA passes
- Fix: Free Downloads integration priority setting now lets AA override Free Downloads when set as such
- Fix: Issue with Customer reset tool where customer had an expired pass and an active one, resulting in expired.
- Fix: Race condition with manual subscription renewals where payment had no products yet