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Version 1.1.2

  • New: A report of the most popular products, as downloaded by All Access Pass customers.
  • New: Customers can now see their download history as part of the edd_aa_customer_passes shortcode
  • New: When changing the customer attached to a payment, the All Access pass now automatically get transferred to match.
  • New: Brought most of the codebase up to WPCS standards.
  • New: The edd_aa_all_access shortcode now accepts multiple product IDs, allowing you to restrict content to multiple All Access Passes.
  • New: The “Process All Access Passes” tool is now re-named to “Backfill All Access Passes” to better describe what it does.
  • New: When a customer has a lifetime All Access Pass, they now see a message about not needing to renew, instead of the “Renew” purchase button.
  • New: Made upgrade permissions specific to EDD core user permissions.
  • New: Replaced direct calls to EDD_Payment class to use the edd_get_payment helper function.
  • Fixed: If you had purchased All Access, any license key was acting like that All Access license.
  • Fixed: If a user didn’t log in for over a year, their downloads per day were not properly being reset.
  • Fixed: Variably priced AA passes were not properly syncing to license expirations in all cases.
  • Fixed: Error was happening when a payment did not have a customer attached.