- New: EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater class is now updated to version 1.6.7. Please update your integrations.
- New: License ID and license key are now included in cart item details during license renewals.
- New: Additional hooks have been added to the licensing metabox for easier integration with other plugins.
- Fix: Remove from cart link can sometimes cause renewal discounts to be improperly removed.
- Fix: Transient caching in EDD_SL_Plugin_Updater have been replaced with options to prevent conflicts with object caching.
- Fix: Undefined variable $file_path when downloading updates hosted on Amazon S3.
- Fix: Renewal discounts sometimes applied to license upgrade purchases.
- Fix: PHP warning with filter on _edd_sl_site_count on checkout.
- Fix: License keys sometimes getting re-generated during renewal purchases.
- Fix: Renewal discounts not properly applied if non-renewal is removed from the cart.