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Easy Digital Downloads Documentation
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Software Licensing – License Renewal & Expiration Reminder Emails

A key aspect of running a site with the Software Licensing extension is the ability to inform your customers when their licenses are coming up for renewal or are expired. This can help increase renewal rates. The Software Licensing extension for Easy Digital Downloads has a full-featured system for configuring and customizing these emails.

To enable renewal/expiration reminders, the feature needs to be enabled in Downloads → Settings → Extensions → Software Licensing → Send Renewal Reminders

Recurring Payments Emails

When a license is associated with a Recurring Payments Subscription, the Recurring Payments emails will be used in lieu of the Software Licensing renewal emails.

To add a new reminder, click the ‘Add Renewal Notice’ button below the email list table. You’ll then be presented with a screen that allows you to configure the subject, send period, and content of the message.

Email Send Periods

Software Licensing comes with a standard set of send periods to allow a very customizable set of emails to be sent to customers. You can send emails with any of the following send periods:

  • One Day Before/After Expiration
  • Two Days Before/After Expiration
  • Three Days Before/After Expiration
  • One Week Before/After Expiration
  • Two Weeks Before/After Expiration
  • One Month Before/After Expiration
  • Two Months Before/After Expiration
  • Three Months Before/After Expiration
  • At the time of Expiration

Customizable email tags

When crafting your emails to be sent, there are a collection of ’email tags’ that you can use that will be populated with information related to the customer or license. You can add any of the following customizations to your emails:

  • {name} The customer’s name
  • {license_key} The license key that needs renewed
  • {product_name} The name of the product the license key belongs to
  • {expiration} The expiration date for the license key
  • {renewal_link} URL to the renewal checkout page
  • {renewal_url} Raw URL of the renewal checkout page
  • {unsubscribe_url} Raw URL to unsubscribe from email notifications for the license
  • {renewal_discount} The renewal discount, including the `%` symbol.

You can add any number of reminder emails to your customers, and each one can contain it’s own unique subject line as well.

The License renewal email unsubscribe Feature

From time to time a customer may not want to renew their license. The {unsubscribe_url} email tag gives you the ability to provide a link in the reminder emails that allows the customer to easily unsubscribe from receiving any further emails related to that specific license. They will still receive renewal notices for any other licenses. As an administrator you can view an unsubscribe URL for a specific license by viewing the License Details card.

Example Email

Here is an example email from our own set of reminders you can use as a guide for setting up email tags:

Hello {name},

Your license key for {product_name} is expiring within 30 days. It is time to renew and save 30% off of the original price.

It is important to keep your license up to date in order to continue getting updates for {product_name} and continued support.

If you wish to renew your license, simply click the link below and follow the instructions.

Your license expires on: {expiration}.

Your expiring license key is: {license_key}.

Renew now: {renewal_link}.

Best regards,
Your Company

To unsubscribe from notifications for this license, click here.