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How to Add Customers to GetResponse During Checkout in WordPress

Do you want a quick and easy way to grow your email subscriber list? If you have an eCommerce site, one solution is to add customers to GetResponse during checkout.

This popular email marketing platform helps generate leads, drive conversions, and increase sales. WordPress plugins like Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) let you integrate it with your site to automate and optimize your workflow.

Plus, it only takes a few simple steps. We’ll walk you through each one to make the process effortless.

🔎 In this post, we’ll cover:

Why Use GetResponse on Your WordPress Site?

If you already use GetResponse, feel free to skip ahead to the next section! Otherwise, you might be wondering what it is and why you should use it for your WordPress store.

GetResponse can help your online business grow its customer base and increase sales. It offers a wide range of features, including autoresponders, landing pages, and webinars.

GetResponse Logo

GetResponse also has a strong focus on deliverability. It helps ensure that your emails end up in your subscribers’ inboxes (rather than spam or trash).

Like WordPress, the email marketing platform is incredibly easy to use. There is so much functionality for managing email campaigns and encouraging users to opt-in to newsletters.

Another major benefit is its WordPress integration. Easy Digital Downloads’ GetResponse add-on lets you add customers to GetResponse on your checkout page.

This allows you to conveniently collect their contact information while they complete their purchase. Then you can use it to provide them with personalized, targeted campaigns and promotions that they’re most likely to respond to.

How to Add Customers to GetResponse at Checkout

Ready to start adding customers to GetResponse during checkout? Below, we’ll walk you through a step-by-step tutorial on how to do so in WordPress.

Note: We’ll assume you already have a GetResponse account. If not, you can sign up for a free or paid plan on their website.

Step 1: Install and Activate Easy Digital Downloads

Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) is a complete eCommerce solution for selling digital products and downloads:

The EDD and WordPress logos.

It’s a popular WooCommerce alternative that is ideal if you offer eBooks, software, files, and other digital assets. In addition to GetResponse integration, you can connect it with Mailchimp and other online marketing automation tools.

To get started, select a plan from the EDD website. There are multiple tiers to choose from. A Personal pass gives you access to all email marketing extensions, including GetResponse.

We recommend grabbing an EDD All Access Pass. You’ll have unlimited access to all of the tools, features, and add-ons.

From your account dashboard, you can download the EDD plugin under File Downloads:

The File Downloads screen in EDD.

Upload it to your WordPress site by going to Plugins » Add New » Upload Plugin » Choose File:

Uploading a WordPress plugin.

After selecting the EDD zip file, install and activate the plugin. A Downloads menu item will be added to your admin dashboard.

The Easy Digital Downloads menu item in WordPress.

Step 2: Add the GetResponse Extension

The next step is to add the GetResponse extension. To do this, go to Downloads » Extensions » All from your WordPress dashboard:

Adding an extension in Easy Digital Downloads.

Search for GetResponse, then click on Download Now:

Downloading the EDD GetResponse extension in WordPress.

Upload the extension to your WordPress site. Select the Install Now button, followed by Activate Plugin.

Step 3: Enable the Setting to Add Customers to GetResponse

Next, we can configure the GetResponse settings to add customers at checkout. Go to Downloads » Settings » Marketing » GetResponse:

The GetResponse extension in EDD Download settings.

First, enter your GetResponse API key. You can get this from your account on the GetResponse website under Integrations and API.

Copy and paste your key into the WordPress settings page. Then select the Save Changes button:

The GetResponse settings page in Easy Digital Downloads.

A list of your GetResponse campaigns will populate in the Choose A Campaign dropdown menu:

The Choose a Campaign dropdown menu in GetResponse settings.

Select the marketing campaign that you want to subscribe customers to on the checkout page. Next, click to enable the Show Signup Checkbox option:

The extension setting to add customers to GetResponse during checkout in WordPress.

This allows your customers to sign up for the list that you selected while checking out from your EDD store. You can also check the newsletter signup checkbox by default and modify the checkbox label. Left as is, the text will appear as “Signup for the newsletter.”

When you’re done, click on Save Changes again.

You can also associate individual downloads/products with a GetResponse list. To do that, navigate to the download page. Then locate the GetResponse meta box located on the right:

The GetResponse meta box on an Easy Digital Downloads download page.

From here, you can select the email list you want to add customers to when they buy that specific product/download.

To see how this will look to your shoppers, preview your site. Add an item to your cart then go to the checkout page:

The option to sign up for a newsletter on a WordPress checkout page.

That’s it! For further guidance, you can refer to our GetResponse Setup Documentation.

Boost Subscribers With GetResponse in WordPress

Email marketing tools are incredibly helpful for boosting conversions and increasing subscribers. If you have an eCommerce site, you can easily add customers to GetResponse during checkout in WordPress.

Sign up for a premium Easy Digital Downloads plan today. Then add and configure the GetResponse extension within minutes! EDD also lets you integrate with other email marketing tools.

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