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Easy Digital Downloads Blog
WordPress Tutorials, Tips, and Resources to Help Grow Your Business

Version 1.4.3 has been released! This is primarily a maintenance release but does also contain several new features. The main new feature that will be of significant importance to users is the automatic catch of refunds processed through PayPal. When you send a refund via PayPal, EDD will automatically pick it up and change the

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Easy Digital Downloads v1.4.2 has just been released and brings several significant bug fixes and quite a few small enhancements. The primary bug fixes in this release involve a problem with setting prices above 1000, discount codes set to 100% didn’t work correctly, and some issues with jQuery validation of the checkout field. In regards

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Due to a significant increase in the amount of support for Easy Digital Downloads, we are making some changes to our Priority Support forums. Up to this point, customers have had the option of purchasing priority support access or purchasing extensions in order to gain access to the priority support forums. Whether a customer paid

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Easy Digital Downloads v1.4.1 has been released today, and it has a lot of really great changes and improvements. NOTE: If you use the PayPal Pro / Express extension, you must upgrade it to v1.3 in order to fully use Easy Digital Downloads v1.4.1. If you do not upgrade, discount codes will not work. The most significant changes made in

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Our little blue monster mascot, who is affectionately known as Edd has been with the plugin since v1.0. He was designed and drawn by the extremely talented Tim Von Ruden of CG Cookie. As a Christmas present, my wife had Edd created as a plushy. Check out the photo below.

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Easy Digital Downloads version 1.4 has been in the works for quite some time now, and this morning it is officially released. There are a lot of improvements that have been made in this version and we’re all very excited to bring them to you. System Logs UI The new Downloads → Reports → Logs

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